ladysilverice Wrote:I like this new format, but I guess my only complaints are that I liked the fact that you had to wait to get an Avatar and the titles under your name. I liked those. I guess that's my philosophy on earning respect creeping up there. 
Doesn't bother me much. It's pretty easy to figure out who I do and don't have respect for. The titles don't mean much to me.
Do you know what SENZAFINE means?
i asked my friend and he said Neverending so it looks like we have another mantis on our hands !
I actually like not needing to make a bunch of posts before you get your avatar. A new one on the boards is fairly easy to spot and it prevents people from making a lot of pointless posts just to get their post count up.
I think our original post sluts were trying to find all the different titles that changed with the number of posts. The nice thing with the reputation system is that the change in titles depends on other people in the forum regardless of how many posts they make.
Well the problem is how vBulletin changed the titles and avatar options.. They are no longer main board options they are per usergroup.. And you can't set limits anymore.. So with the upgrade somethings went. Which unless i do a bunch of hacking the code can't get back.. (which i am not wanting to do then upgrades are a pain in the ass)
kakomu Wrote:Schultz, two things.
A) Could you be able to change the new messages from bold to a different color?
B) Eliminate the 10 character post requirement.
Well why don't you like a 10 char limit..? sometimes it could be good to keep people from spamming stuff. And i will look at the bold color see if something is better.. but bold isn't too bad IMHO i generally look at icons to see whats new and not the thread titles..
anyone notice that everything is now centered ?
well on my screen it is since i deleted my cookies and temp internet files. anyone else seeing everything in the middle ? i wasent before i did my cleaning this afternoon.
Everything is centered on my machine as well. I prefer things to be left aligned.
Yea, everything being centered has definitely messed with my head. I keep thinking that the posts are empty because everything's centered. :confused: I'm sure in time I won't be as retarded... hope springs anew. :p
It dosnt bother me too much, but i do prefer the old style. Like u said maybe time will make it better
gomenasai everyone.. I do all my testing in Firefox.. I totally forgot about IE.. well the problem was in Firefox whne you login / out those boxes are not centered because it don't use a parent div's align format.. SO i put one in the direct div for something that would. never thinking it would cause that in IE.. So they use that same thing in IE and it was causing the text to be centered while Firefox wasn't.. you just can't win between browsers.. ;o( But its back to normal now.. will look at a different method so that it works in both..
any more updates going to be happening anytime soon ?
you said you were working on another new version of the site, do you have any clue when you will be done ?
let us know !
Last Exile Wrote:thanks.
any more updates going to be happening anytime soon ?
you said you were working on another new version of the site, do you have any clue when you will be done ?
let us know !
I am not sure when the next update will be.. and its not a new version of the site.. its a major rewrite of the store section.. Basically will have ability to track orders have notifications of such.. See whats in / out / on order. Also for some that need it have it so your request a # for returning defective items etc.. but i haven't been able to work on it for a few months.. I have the working store part.. But all the backend stuff for the user to see / track hasn't been done yet..
So again not sure when i will get it done..