08-16-2004, 08:17 PM
08-16-2004, 08:18 PM
Having dinner at a cafe with a friend. One of the guys in the booth behind me, "Sheesh, I've never gone down on her. She smelled like dead/stale fish."
08-16-2004, 08:57 PM
I am luck in may ways... I am just out of luck over here...lol
In school I was in to Musicals and Plays. Back stage you would hear the most amazing stuff. The girls would talk about all the guys in ways I never dreamed of. Stuff like, "The he went down and started doing this with his tounge." I took mental notes for like a week. I should thank them becuase they taught me things that I still use to this day.
In school I was in to Musicals and Plays. Back stage you would hear the most amazing stuff. The girls would talk about all the guys in ways I never dreamed of. Stuff like, "The he went down and started doing this with his tounge." I took mental notes for like a week. I should thank them becuase they taught me things that I still use to this day.
08-16-2004, 09:47 PM
Yeah... I learned bunches of stuff when I was handed around the theater department at MSU. Those theater people have some crazy stuff going on inside those heads and I LIKE IT! 

08-16-2004, 09:58 PM
hahahahah it is very entertaining reading this lol
08-16-2004, 10:12 PM
my cousin was talking to me and he wiggs out runs out the door and jumps the fence runs around on the other side jumps the wall again and then walks straight and jumps in the pool and then runs inside wet and says ohh so then what happened !
my cousin is a freak he i think has A.D.D.
his little nephew is the same way the little guy was at my uncles house and he starts acting up and runnning and fake crying and then runs to the door and then takes off and runs accross the street opens there door and the family was eating dinner he runs through there house and openes there back door and jumps in there pool. he doesnt know how to swim and this family is shocked he did this and they were eating at the time. and then the family calls my uncle and tell them this and he laughs and doenst do a thing to the kid ! that is why he doesnt learn. i just learned to that he puts some sleep pill in his milk at night i though that was so funny.
my cousin is a freak he i think has A.D.D.
his little nephew is the same way the little guy was at my uncles house and he starts acting up and runnning and fake crying and then runs to the door and then takes off and runs accross the street opens there door and the family was eating dinner he runs through there house and openes there back door and jumps in there pool. he doesnt know how to swim and this family is shocked he did this and they were eating at the time. and then the family calls my uncle and tell them this and he laughs and doenst do a thing to the kid ! that is why he doesnt learn. i just learned to that he puts some sleep pill in his milk at night i though that was so funny.
08-17-2004, 11:08 AM
Sleeping pills in the kids milk I am going to have to remeber that one...
I will do that to my kids... lol
I will do that to my kids... lol
08-17-2004, 11:21 AM
the randomest thing I've ever heard in a conversation was when I was with a group of friends but one was a little out of the group, then a girl-friend sai "and that made me wonder twice" and the guy off the group misunderstood and he said "HEY, I only messed around with your mother once", everybody was like :eek: , poor guy, he took a hell of a beating that night...
08-17-2004, 12:36 PM
There are so many crazy and random things I've heard here at military school... it would take months to tell them all. But I'd have to say the most disturbing was I walked into a buddy's room freshman year who lived on my barracks floor and didn't realize until a minute into the conversation that he'd been masterbating the whole time I was there. *GAK* He was behind his desk, so thank God, I didn't see anything, but oh man! I was creeped out for the rest of the day.
08-17-2004, 01:31 PM
hahahah what a weirdo lol
08-17-2004, 01:39 PM
Ok so I decided to share this one with you guys too, (I've got a million weird stories I've heard in my short time on this blue world.) I was working at a distillery when I was 18 and this old redneck was talking about screwing another guy for $10 and shitting on him for $20!!! This was one of his exact quotes: "It's hard to shit on a man's face when he's looking at your asshole" no shit.
08-17-2004, 03:32 PM
Quote:Originally posted by ladysilverice
he'd been masterbating the whole time I was there.
Are you sure that you weren't the reason that he was masterbating? Maybe he didn't start until you go there.
But yeah. What a loser. How many people did you tell there about this incident? I'm sure he was embarassed for the rest of his stay at that place.
08-17-2004, 03:36 PM
do the whole sleeping pills thing to your kids huuh... well I will be sure you don't do that that often so they don't get addicted....

08-17-2004, 04:01 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Are you sure that you weren't the reason that he was masterbating? Maybe he didn't start until you go there.
But yeah. What a loser. How many people did you tell there about this incident? I'm sure he was embarassed for the rest of his stay at that place.
Actually, at my school, it's a 17-1 male to female ratio, so I wouldn't be surprised if I was the reason. He didn't care, he actually thought it was funny. When you go to a school like that, your perspective on things changes greatly and things like that don't become as big a deal anymore.
The set up is there are around 26 guys and 4 girls in each company (unit of people that live on the same floor) and supposidly they're not supposed to touch those girls, creating a "brother/sister" relationship. So seeing the same girls for 6 months without leave gets kinda tiring, dont you think? Freshman year, from August to Thanksgiving, there is no leave granted. You have to stay on campus.
08-17-2004, 04:09 PM
Quote:Originally posted by ladysilverice
Actually, at my school, it's a 17-1 male to female ratio, so I wouldn't be surprised if I was the reason.
That's why I didn't want to ask. I figure'd your head was already big enough. Now you're gonna go around telling people that guys at your school used to jack off to the thought of you. :eek: