So... I'd known about "Anime Unleashed" on G4TechTV for some time, just from hearing about it on various Anime forums on the 'net... and today I got all excited when I noticed I can actually get TechTV through my internet cable service.
Then... after I realised I wasn't seeing Anime Unleashed every night.. I read
this article.
Annoying... apparently, under the current agreement with the CRTC (Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission) regarding TechTV's ability to broadcast in Canada, they would be diversifying their programming too much by showing Anime Unleashed, thus risking infringing upon other television stations.
Except for the part where no other television station shows good anime in Canada.
I understand the reasoning, but at the same time, it makes me very "punchy".
Long story short, I guess I should just get an American satellite dish... you guys get that fancy schmancy Anime Network down there, too, don't you?
Hmmmmmmm Well the last time I watched Anime Unleashed on Tech TV was about 2 months ago and they were still broadcasting Last Exile, and Series Experiment Lain
That sucks. But, I am still jealous because I don't even have cable. I am still using an antenna.:eek: (hey, I guess at least it is free...)
But usually when I want to watch anime I get all my friends together that like anime we all have different tastes and we do mini film festivals so to speak. All of us seem to get 2-3 new titles a month so we always have fresh material to watch
Quote:Originally posted by rarnom
That sucks. But, I am still jealous because I don't even have cable. I am still using an antenna.:eek: (hey, I guess at least it is free...)
Ooooh... yeah... you win the contest for most cause for self-pity... hands-down.
I hope you at least have a big enough DVD collection to keep your vegetation needs in line?
Quote:Originally posted by Mantis421
But usually when I want to watch anime I get all my friends together that like anime we all have different tastes and we do mini film festivals so to speak. All of us seem to get 2-3 new titles a month so we always have fresh material to watch
I'm one of the executives members in my university's anime club, and usually, it's me who suggests the titles, due to my long viewing background. But it's satisfying, knowing that others are benefiting from what you've enjoyed all these years. Our number rule and member preference: NO dubs, sub ONLY! Heh, when one of us accidentally forgets to set the audio to Japanese when playing DVDs, people complain like crazy. In our first year, we managed to get 100 members, and I'm looking forward to the second year's turnouts!
I get the exact reverse thing from my friends. They love Hong Kong martial arts films in subtitles, but hate anime that isn't dubed. We do it once a week and start around 6-7 and keep going until we just peter out for the night. I guess 6-8 hours of reading text gets over taxing for some of them
Quote:Originally posted by r00ster
Ooooh... yeah... you win the contest for most cause for self-pity... hands-down. 
I hope you at least have a big enough DVD collection to keep your vegetation needs in line?
Yah, my anime collection alone has gotten pretty big, (35 various sets of different sizes, I guess for some that would be small, but it is not bad in my eyes...

). I also have a huge collection of live action chinese/hong kong films on DVD and VCD. (like 130+, I don't really keep track, they are all free, but that is another story...)
and yah, I am pretty hard core about original audio too. Even when watching Chinese films, I have to have it in Cantonese, no Mandarin dubs for me!! My friends are pretty evenly split on the dubbed anime issue though.
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack
Our number rule and member preference: NO dubs, sub ONLY!
Seems like a real open-minded club.

Quote:Originally posted by Mantis421
They love Hong Kong martial arts films in subtitles, but hate anime that isn't dubed.
Most of my friends are like that too... although they prefer dubbed subtitles to dubed ones...
I have a few friends that speak some Japanese that usually prefer subs but even they prefer a few titles such as Cowboy Bebop and Ninja Scroll in English.
I just prefer whichever sounds better.
G4techTV's anime unleashed sucks now all they do is show the same 5 shows . ones one ends they show one they did before . one theta i hate alot is on now Betterman. i liked, last exile(they only showed like 11 episodes) geneshaft, vandread, dual.
they need to show more titles.
also we need to get a real 24 hour anime channel not ADV's pay per view channel. why spend the money on that when you can get the series here ?
What, they don't show Series Experiment Lain anymore, Oh well I own the series so no big thing
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Seems like a real open-minded club.
I know what you mean, Vicious. However, when majority of the club members want subs during our viewing sessions, there's little we can do to accomodate the ones who want English dubs.
I don't mind Dub or Subtitles, they both have their advantages. Though I didn't care for the subtitles on Elysium you can count the mispellings all the way though the whole movie