I almost forgot my other fav episode was Speak Like a Child where Spike and Jet hunt for the BETA player to see the video of young Faye. Very moving episode
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
My wife mentioned that as her fave episode (after Mushroom Samba). She enjoyed getting to know more about Faye Faye.
I love the falling scene in Ballad of Fallen Angels, and tied with that is the end of Hard Luck Woman when Spike and Jet are eating dinner for four. Every time I hear or even think about the song "Call Me" my eyes consider starting to watter a tiny bit. They dont, but its considered.
Also while not actually part of the show, I love the wind blowing through the grass on Easter Island that Emotion uses as its logo animation that you see at the start of the VHS. I've watched that on its own a few times before school when I needed an animation fix and didnt have time for anything else.
I have to admitt that the stories centered around Spike, Julia and Vicious were great very deep. The only one I might of liked to see is more then one episode that featured that mysterious Data Dog Ein. Afther that first episode with Ein they never really explored that story plot much after that, only in bits and pieces like in the movie when Ein picks the move in the game for Jet
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D wolfwood
Quote:Originally posted by Mantis421
The only one I might of liked to see is more then one episode that featured that mysterious Data Dog Ein. Afther that first episode with Ein they never really explored that story plot much after that, only in bits and pieces like in the movie when Ein picks the move in the game for Jet
Oh yah, I totally agree. I always loved Ein and wanted more stuff about him...
Another awesome episode is "Black Dog Serenade". That was a great look at Jet's past and a particularly awesome and violent episode..

Hmmmm I betcha if they would of explored the back stories and some of the other bounties of the Bebop I am guessing they could of added 10-15 more episodes to the series easy
I'll go with Speak Like a Child. The flabbergasted look on Spike and Jet's faces were priceless, when they were finally able to play and watch Faye's tape.
Ok just watched Ballad of Fallen Angels again and am changing my vote. It gets bumped up to #1.
More Ein and Ed More Ein and Ed I loved the lighter side they brought to ther series
Quote:Originally posted by rarnom
Another awesome episode is "Black Dog Serenade". That was a great look at Jet's past and a particularly awesome and violent episode..
I didn't really like the Jet episodes much. He was my least favorite character in that series.
I have to agree with you in part vicious on Jet. I didn't think he was a bad character, but he just didn't hold my interest as much as the other character did when they had stand alone episodes
Hrm... Jet was actually one of my favourite characters... Right after Spike and Ed... maybe it's just because I'm getting old and I could relate to him more.
can i say the last 2 episodes? i thought it ended off the series great, even though it felt rushed having julia in there for only a short time
Cowboy Bebop end much the same way as a Greek Tragity With Spike beening the Tragic Hero. He fights all that time to get his goal Julia, only to lose her once he regains her. I always get the feeling Anime writers have a special place in their hearts for the great Greek plays