Lately i have been having allot of problems with the Mac DVD's I've boughten. at first i thought it was a bad disk and would buy another. but when i did this a few times it was not that one disk it was the others as well. I've had more problems with Mac dvd's than the FX ones.
Care to elaborate on the problem?
What type of prob?
What title?
What systems you have tried it on etc?
If we know what it is maybe we can help.

I own 160+ HK dvd's and the only set i've had a problem with is Descendants of Darkness by FX. It wouldn't play in any of my dvd players but would play in my PS2. While I like FX more than MAC I have never had a problem with them.
Never had problems with Mac and not even that many with FX at that matter
well i first noticed it on the Ah my goddess movie. it would only play on my ps2 but not my sony dvd player or my Panasonic dvd player or on the xbox.
the next one was Angle egg, that was the same story played on the x box but the sony and panasonic would not play. finally today i got soul taker and disk one wont play on the main dvd layers or my computer but works fine on the ps2.
i don't under stand why. both the sony and panasonic are new dvd players and have no problems at all.
Don't think anyone can really explain the mysteries that are HK's.
have you exposed them to heat? also your DVD players may be dying. trust me electronics give you strange behavior before they decide to kick the bucket.
I doubt it's his electronics. HK's are wierd sometimes. Some sets just don't like to work in certain dvd players. It doesn't seem to have any pattern i've noticed from reading other posts, although every once in a while there are sets that are consistantly bad in almost all dvd players but a couple people report having no problems.

I would also suspect the discs themselves as being damaged. DVDs are much more suspectible to damage through excess flexing than CDs, which is a problem MAC's overly tight disc holders. I've seen people bend the DVDs to a near 45 degree angle in attempts to remove a DVD from a MAC case. A general tip would be to gently apply pressure, and if it still doesn't work, try from a different direction.
all the dvd players are less than a year old and all the dvd's are all new and did this from the day i bought them. i dont know oh well hn you pay for the cheper dvd you get problems every now and then.
I had a MAC jubei chan that was missing subs when it played on my DVD player. Otherwise, no problems at all...except with the crappy packaging, the stupid gatefolds are just too small.
I had a problem with the AMG Movie disks as well. I tried about 8 on my standalone that plays everything normally. They worked on another player however...
Quote:Originally posted by meoryo
I had a MAC jubei chan that was missing subs when it played on my DVD player. Otherwise, no problems at all...except with the crappy packaging, the stupid gatefolds are just too small.
That bugs me too. I hate those little things. I have a lot of nice gatefolds that are all about the same size then I have a few tiny little things.
I'm having problems with a MAC set as well. I'm currently having some skipping problems with Demon Beast Battle (The Apocalypse). The first episode starts skipping about 7 minutes into it. It skips off and on throughout the first episode, and it is pretty much unwatchable. The rest of the episodes for this series are fine though. It does this on all 3 of my DVD players. (PS2, CurtisMathes, Mintek)
I sent back my first set because of this problem and, I'll be damned, I got another brand new set with the same, exact problem. This was not from Import-Anime BTW, it was from an ebay seller. I gave up when the second set had the same problems. *shrugs*
Maybe your DVD player is older? At first i had trouble with a few imports but when i got a new player it worked fine. I'm pretty sure the newer ones read the discs faster.