So, I thought it would be interesting if everyone explained why they chose the board name they use. I am sure some people just picked a name, but I am curious if others' names have a specific backstory.
I guess I should start...
My nick name rarnom comes from a nickname my friends gave me because of my amazing ability to find rare and hard to find Psone and NES games at amazing low prices. They would refer to me as the "Rare Gnome". Imagine a gnome, a bag of rare games, and a price chopping axe. So, back in the day when I was making my gamefaqs board name I decided to change it to a more phoenetic spelling of rarnom. (short 'a', long 'o') And I don't like to captalize stuff when I sign emails, so that is why it is all lower case.
anyone else?
Well, I always liked characters like Vicious, Vegeta, Hajime Saito, because their personality fits mine pretty well. And I chose Vicious, because it sounded the coolest out of them. He has no mercy or sympathy for anyone and neither do I.
Ah how I lifted the handle Morgorath... I am an avid Role Player. And back when I was 16, I was playing a D&D game at a friends house. He made an Human Palidin whos name was Morgorath. He had been kicked off the Round Table, because of his love for a woman of commoner statius. I then Found out that my buddy had an old AOL account that he turned over to me with the Handle "Morgorath" And I have used it ever since...
basically my first name then my fav number. 17 is my fav number as i was born on the 17th, when we first got normal sky tv, cartoonnetwork was cahnnel 17
i got mine from final fantasy 8, tho many people think its from king arthur:p
I read some where that gubi gubi is what you say when your wasted in Japanese... You make a drinking motion and say it... I guess its like 'gulp gulp' or somethin as Im sure I heard it said when someone drank something really fast (I think in One Piece)...
English translation/meaning of my first and second names.
Name = Ravinder Bains
Year i Got into Anime = 1996 (also one of the best years in my life)
Hence Rav96 or Bains96 depending on Board

Andromeda's the name of Ascension's main character, a comic book drawn by David Finch. I added 18_ to it when I created my current email account because the nick 'Andromeda' already existed.
Japschin, what a cute doggie.. looks laid back and happy :p
My real name's Nina and in high school I was into Blink 182, hence Nina182B
In 7th grade, i watched DBZ. I chose the aol (and i mean aol :

hudder:: ) screename: gohon32. It was 7th grade, i didn't know how to spell it, and i didn't even think to use a search engine or something. So, since i hate change, i use this name at every place i can.
Heh... my name is a misspelling as well.
I actually chose the name to use in the SCA (I'll go into more detail on this some other time) where we all choose medieval names. I chose the name Iago dello Zagatto (Iago from Othello and Zagatto is what I thought was the name of a car company in Italy that I like... this would mean Iago from Zagatto).
Of course when I created my first internet account Iago had already been taken so I went with Zagatto. What I didn't know at the time was that the car company I like is spelled Zagato... not Zagatto...
I also don't like changing and I had already registered Zagatto a few places when I learned of my mispelling.... so I'm Zagatto all over the place now... I haven't run into anyone else using my particular mispelling of Zagato.
Figure it out yourself, it ain't too complicated.
My nickname came about in a rather simple way. "ROBO" came about as a result of one of my favorite characters in Chono Trigger, Robo, the robot with heart. But also, I realized that "ROBO" can also a reminder to myself of the scrutiny and vigilance one must always show towards English dubbing and localization, the worst example being ROBOtech. "JACK" is my Anglocized name, which sounds shockingly similar to my Chinese name.