When I watched a couple episodes of this show on CN I dismissed it as too kiddy. I got a great deal on the first three sets so I decided to give it a chance. Very glad I did. This show is turning into my favorite anime. Can't wait for the fourth set to be done. Will definitely start collecting the R1's of this show.
Just curious what everyone else thinks about this show. What are your thoughts?
tried watchign it on CN and they kept on replaying the same eps and also stoping the series in good points and showing other show so i loved it but got pissed so i stoed watching it !
im thinking of getting sets 2&3 since i saw alot of the first half of the show like 3 times already.
allways wanted to see it, but CN or Toonami never show it hear, so i miss out.
I'd suggest buying the HK's or R1's. At least buy the first two sets and i'm sure you will either buy the crappy third set or buy the r1's. The third set's quality is very awful and it skips a lot but I loved the show too much to care. I had to see what happened.
I guess I am in the same boat as you were alittle. The series from what I have seen of it on CN seems alittle light for me. I took a liking to shows like Blue Gender and .Hack // Sgn on CN more so but that is also during Adult Swim to, not the earlier shows
If i'm not mistaken someone is selling all three yu yu hakusho sets in the trade section you could probably pick up cheap. Or else just buy the first set and give it a try. If you like fighting animes you won't be disapointed.
yu yu hakusho is actually one of my favorite and for all you "fighting type" anime lovers this is a good hit! They dubbed it in "filipino" in my country before and it was awesome (better than the english dubbers i may say ) Definetely a good anime for me!
I think it is good though when titles like Yu Yu Hakusho come out it helps bridge the gap when kids get out of their Pokemon type stage and start getting more mature with what they like.
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
i think i was in that boat for a while, but got into dragonball z instead of YY
It does work out good that way. Series like Drangon Ball, Yu Yu and even some of the lighter Gundam series. It would wrong to think a kid would go from Pokemon to Blue Gender or Series Experiment Lain
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
Quote:Originally posted by takumi25
yu yu hakusho is actually one of my favorite and for all you "fighting type" anime lovers this is a good hit! They dubbed it in "filipino" in my country before and it was awesome (better than the english dubbers i may say ) Definetely a good anime for me!
The filipino dubbing kinda pissed me off ... they called Kuwabara "Dennis" and a bunch of other english type names for all the main characters.
i really like that series and i now own just about the whole thing

Quote:Originally posted by meoryo
The filipino dubbing kinda pissed me off ... they called Kuwabara "Dennis" and a bunch of other english type names for all the main characters.
eventhough they did that I still like how they dubbed the series compared to the US VA's. And also at least they did not create such stupid nicknames like "tak" (takumi) in the english dubbed version of initial d. I really didnt mind the name changing since i didnt even know the word "anime" at that time. ^_^
reason yyh is one of my favorite shows is the character development. it just have the awesome characters that kept me watching.
Quote:Originally posted by animefan01
reason yyh is one of my favorite shows is the character development. it just have the awesome characters that kept me watching.
I agree. I love Yusuke and Heie. Both awesome characters.