Hey I have a question about Bittorrent and I was wondering if someone could help me out. Whenever I download a Bittorent I only get the sound playing and no picture. I have tried many times on many different media players but none of them work.
Sounds like a codec problem. Go to
http://www.divx.com and download some codecs. That should solve the problem.
Yeh chances are you'll have the mp3 codec so it'll probably be ogg or ac3... Download a program called 'GSpot' and it will tell you what codec is used in the file, video and sound.
Oh and just incase anyone using the official release should now it Sucks
Use Bit Tornado! and the Shadow Client
that rules and the D/l are sooo much more faster

where dose everyone get there torrenys from cos ive tryd box torrentss but i can never seen to get them working. they allways say connection with peers have failed or timed out.
Thanks for the help. All I had to do was download the DivX player. Go to
http://www.suprnova.org for all your torrent needs. Thanks again.