i saw a trailer for aliens vs. predator and i was displeased with it. now i a have been waiting for this movie since i saw the alien skeleton in predator 2, but the problem is that they are giving it a pg-13 rating for it. WTF. how can you make this film with out making it a gore fest, it won't be the same if it isn't. i'm sick and tired of hollywood making these films so that they can get as much money as possible by making it a lesser rating so the kiddies can go to it(example of movies that have sucked this summer because of a less violent rating-Hellsing, Chronicles of Riddick, King Author, etc etc these movies were lame)(hell they sold the movie the village as a horror film, it was no where near being a horror film. it was good though, i liked the idea of a thriller type romance). i want to see aliens and predators beating the shit out of each other. is that wrong, no it's not. i hope they don't do this to resident evil this fall-i will be severely dissapointed!! i don't want candy coated movies,i want some violence. has anyone else seen this common trend lately, I think it's sick.
Finally somebody see's it my way. Considering The Matrix was rated R how much violence can there be in AVP. Seriously, You'd be lucky to see a one on one duel with no blood. THIS SUCKS. I thought that AVP was gonna rock till I saw this post. I guess if we want violence we'll just have to stick to Battle Royale.
yes battle royale of even better ichii the killer live action.
AVP is gonna suck major Behemoth ass!
i read the leaked script an age ago and the storyline let alone the Rating Sucks :mad:
what a waste!!!
Granted it is nice they got Lance Hendrickson to do another Alien film Bishop the artificial life form for anybody who cant remember. But you are right PG-13 usually equals softer bla type action sequence. I think Hollywood doesent want to spend big bucks on a Sci Fi or Action film that can't be viewed by teens that don't have someone over 18 with them. It cuts a major cash cow out of the movie's sales
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
Quote:Originally posted by ArkaidR
I guess if we want violence we'll just have to stick to Battle Royale.
You should read the book. It is a billion times better than the movie.
You know I felt the same way when I saw it was going to be pg-13. Anyone remember Robocop 3? pg-13, and total crap. The problem is that there is no way in the world it can live up to the legacy of Alien, Aliens, and Predator. (I didn't care much for the sequels after these..) Is it just me, or is it just really hard to find anything cool in the movies these days? I saw the Village and personally I thought it was dull, had terrible pacing, was super predictable, and had a really weak 'twist'. If it is violence I want in american cinema, I'll stick to mr. Tarantino giving me the goods...

Aliens would probably get away with a lower rating these days. Hell predator might as well.
I would guess it's because the storyline revolves more around lots of aliens vs predators (gee whizz what a conincedance!!!) getting killed . I mean isn't the storyline based on a few humans stumbling upon crap loads of aliens?
Quote:i read the leaked script an age ago
And you can prove this is from the actual film how? There are plenty of temp screenplays that do the rounds that can end up totally different to the end product.
Well I doubt we are going to see to many more R rated Sci Fi films because of the costs and money they want to make back. The last one I saw that I even liked that was R rated was Event Horizon
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
* DarkKnightBob has read some reviews including spoilers
* DarkKnightBob crys into my aliens/predator memorabilia and then burns them
OMG I think this film is really going to suck!

well hollywood has already tried this with giving pg-13 ratings to hellsing and chroncles of riddick and both had pretty lack luster sales. so in my mind trying to keep the rating low so 13-16 year olds can see it doesn't seem to affect ticket sales. unless they are 13-16 year girls going to see Titanic for the nth time. what i think is happening is those who can watch rated r films go to these movies, see that they aren't that great and tell ever one else how it's not worth seeing. they need to return to rated r sci fi films. the chronicles of riddick cost 120 million dollars to make and didn't even reach that much in ticket sales. the movie would have been better with the R rating and it may have done better with it.
van hellsing did make a decent amount but the movie could have been better. the only movie that makes any money with a pg-13 rating was spiderman.
well at least Resident Evil: apocalypse will be rate R for non stop violence. that will make me happy. and it's not the violence that only want it's that the movie isn't dumbed down. that's all i want. i've been disapointed to many times before.
Well the last "Blade" movie is going to be an R rated one I love that series. As far as PG rated sci fi The fifth Element was the last PG sci Fi I really liked
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
the fifth element was pg-13, for brief nudity and intence sci-fi violence.
i like luc besson films-transporter, la femme nikita, wasabi, the fifth element etc etc.
Man i was so disapointed when I saw avp and it sucked. I wanted more violence.I also wanted it to be actually scary whitch it wasnt.I want blood to be spryed from decapitated people. I didnt want the preditor to become friends.If i wanted to see friends i would watch barny or whatever.I also saw the vilage at the end i was crying of disapointment. The vialge had so much potentual