There's nothing wrong with being werid, although I'm living proof that there is.
I'm Living (well somewhat) proof that being weird is an art and not a condition!!!!!!!! :evil: I Think :?
A lot of people think I'm werid because I sit inside ALL the time. I mean I'm WHITE! Plus when ever there's something/someone that's "cool", I don't care.
Come on Batz lets go join a POP CULTURE CULT!!!!!
I hate almost all POP SH*T!
no pop music pop culture (ex: things that are found popular by many ppl)
pop culture=popular culture
and that todays lesson children!!

:o :?
I know, I'm against popular thing & mainly people!
I'm just against people in general!!!!
hehe, jk
sometimes some pop culture stuff is good but to me most is bad!!! :twisted: :twisted:
The world is ran by money & popular people, that's why for two years or more I've been planing the Chicken Revolution.
what the hell??????????????? :? :? :?
dude lay off the crack!!! :lol:
Boy you'd better explain yourself :twisted:
What? For 2 years now I've been telling people that an army of chickens are going to attack, & when they do I'm going to take charge, & take over the world!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Muwahahahahahaha :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted:
what, there's the Green man. Kill him!
My potato army would crush the chickens in seconds (check the Typhoon Thread. Seriously I wrote about the Potato Army a while ago).