is this the old Martial Arts Movie form Hong Kong?
I heard rumors that there will be an new Live Action Version from USA?
the same i heared about an Live Aktion Version of Akira directed by the Guy who made "Blade"
oh my God!
i hope this Project will never be made!
A live action Akira could be sweet. DBZ I don't know. Fox is handling it and I have faith in them (they did X-men) so they may pull it off with a decent movie. The only way I see them failing miserably is if they give it a low budget and/or they design the movie for 12 year olds.
Quote:Originally posted by CrayonShinChan
I just threw out my entire Manga Mania collection the other day. No space to store it anymore.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
You should of give them to MEEEE!!!!!!
Actually i've been trying to give them away for past couple of weeks but no one wanted them, i guess most fans i know are too young to remmy it. They've gone to the paper recycling now unfortunately.
That reminds me a chucked out all The CVG (computer Video games) magazines i had since 1998 -2001
Damn spent loads money on them and other Gmes mags back in the Day

Yeah i threw all my Super Play mags and other computer mags out too.
Would we really wan't to see a Drangon Ball Live action movie lets not forget some of the other cartoons and video games that were turned into movies Double Dragon, Street Fighter, Scoby Doo, Garield. The only ones I can think of that were decent to good were Final Fantasy, Tank Girl anf Mortal Kombat
Personally I really liked FF spirits with in, i thought the whole style was just perfect, and if done by real ppl wud have spoilt it. Garfield looks so cool, but the cartoon is amaizing. Was one of those cartoons i grew up watching. I also enjoyed street fighter but most ppl i know seem to h8 it. What wud u think of a tekken LA movie. That wud really interest me. If its done right.
Quote:Originally posted by fahad17
Personally I really liked FF spirits with in, i thought the whole style was just perfect, and if done by real ppl wud have spoilt it. Garfield looks so cool, but the cartoon is amaizing. Was one of those cartoons i grew up watching. I also enjoyed street fighter but most ppl i know seem to h8 it. What wud u think of a tekken LA movie. That wud really interest me. If its done right.
FF The Sprits Within isnt very popular but it was decent..and Street Fighter you mean the movie right? That was decent. But a Tekken LA movie hm..If they chose right and did the story right..The only problem is the fact that there are too many characters that would be the only difficult area..It would be intresting if nothing else..
But as far as the DB live action movie goes it's a good thing they cancelled it. It would be horrible..
According to imdb the Dragonball movie has not been cancelled. Just pushed to 2007.
Tekken got a great storyline but a Live Action movie would be crap.. Heck soo was the anime

DAMN I forgot to look there
Quote:Tekken got a great storyline but a Live Action movie would be crap.. Heck soo was the anime
TO be honest i really liked the anime, but everytime i see it again it seems to gets worse and worse, and now i just let it collect dust.
yeah had that d/l n age ago like in 2000, still not been able to bring myself to watch all of it yet, Its Just plain Shite
Not the good shite were its sooo Crap it does a 360 and is good eg Street Fighter Live Action