I was tring to think of which female charceters from anime are the best drawn, sexy appearance and voice The first two that came to mind were Faye from Cowboy Bebop and Angle from Big O, go figure the same women does the voice for both in the english dub Both Faye and Angle are drawn in a way that is not something you would not find posibly in the real world figure wise and attitude. The others I liked personally were BT from .Hack , Meryl from Trigun and our Fav Vespa riding girl from FLCL. Am I close with your opinions of the best ones
Sei - Bakuretsu Tenshi
Madlax - Madlax
Arcuied - Shingetsutan Tsukihime
Momori - Mezzo
I always liked Hilda from Outlaw Star. Too bad she had to die so damn soon. besides her i also like Ryoku from Tenchi Muyo. Let's see what else... Rain from Gundam G, she could fix that mech faster than anyone else in the Gundam series(that I have seen) on average. Finally my favorite female anime character has to be Rem from Trigun. Don't know why... just is I guess.
Have a kitty
ArkaidR Funny you mention Rem from Trigun because she is drawn completely the same as Meryl from the Trigun I mentioned In the opening post except Rem had the long hair
Lain - Serial Experiments Lain
Seras Victoria - Hellsing
Minami - Neo Ranga
- Note: I don't think this is a "hottest" anime chick thread is it? Don't think so, so I wanted to make that clear.

Mrs Q from Ayashi no Ceres.
Kissable, full lips.
Can save you life in an emergency.
Sexy deep voice.

Another that comes to mind for me is Robin from Witch Hunter Robin How she is drawn and her voice dub are great. The best single shot I like from an anime is I believe it is episode 5 of FLCL when Naota and Hakaru are sitting on the bed, when he asks her why did you leave and starts crying the close up shot on Hakaru's face is just outright beautiful very realistic and color is wonderfully done in the I would say 1-3 sec shot
How many times do I have to say this?
Fujiko from Lupin III is the model anime woman that all other anime women aspire to be!
Fuji-cakes sure is one hot moma

Ms. Shikijo from mahoromatic was just plain silly
what about rei from NGE
Belldandy - Oh My Goddess!
Kyoko Otonashi- Maison Ikkoku
Shampoo- Ranma
All the chicks in Golden Boy!!!
Well, since this is most 'captivating' and not 'hottest' anime female, I'll go with Asuka Langley Sohryu.
For the most part...any chick drawn by Kia Asamiya (Steam detectives, Nadesico, Silent Mobius)...he can draw like crazy!!!