Just wondering if anyone has read on the news about the typhoon that has been currently hitting us in okinawa. Winds up to 145 mph it was about 400x600 miles big.. Been hitting us hard.. ;o) been in it for like over 24 hours just wondering if anyone has heard about it..
haven't heard about it, but i hope everyone is ok. good luck!

You better be carefull, in that weather Godzilla could take over without any problems!!!!
sorry HEHEHE!!!!!

yea well mostly just the base is getting torn up here.. And i am going to be having to work all night dealing with power outages and base clean-up which really sucks.. ;o( but that is life..
We call them Hurricanes in America.

Heh heh, that does suck. Hope everyone is ok, though. Are you by the water, storm surges arem't cool.
hurricanes are little gusts of winds compared to typhoons 8O
Actually they are the same type of storm. Plus your avatar is different. It's kinda creepy now. Though I like it. :o
Actually, Typhoon's are typically stronger, because they end up in forming in warmer waters, and live their lives out in them. Warmth = Power.
lol thx steve for the comment on my avatar

Well granted they might be stronger. They are still formed the same and share characteristics. I didn't think the Pacific was warmer than the Gulf of Mexico. Though both are by the equator.
Steve why would you have to clean up a messed up US BASE? Which base is it? Are you in the armed forces? If so which branch? Are you just a government worker there as a janitor? [curious]
Quote:Originally posted by "NYxCalm"
Steve why would you have to clean up a messed up US BASE? Which base is it? Are you in the armed forces? If so which branch? Are you just a government worker there as a janitor? [curious]
I am the one in the Air Force.. I am stationed at Kadena AB , Okinawa Japan. I currently work in Civil Engeneering Squadron so we deal with all the base clean-up and repairing buildings and things that has gotten messed up.. And basically this.. Typhoon's and Hurricanes are the same.. just Typhoons are formed in the Western Hemisphere and they actually spin counter clockwise while Hurricanes formed in the Eastern Hemisphere spin clockwise.. and they can be the same strength but it all depends on what the weather is like when they happen.. like this one slowed down to about 2 miles an hour when it hit us. And it was pretty cool because the whole island of okinawa fit into the eye of it.
Excuse me Schultz, I believe the question was directed to me. Currently I'm the general of an army of potatoes, that is in the basment division of my house. Anyways, NO I'm not in the army. Though I do have lots of respect for anyone in the service.

Quote:Originally posted by "Steve_the_Talking_Pie"
Excuse me Schultz, I believe the question was directed to me. Currently I'm the general of an army of potatoes, that is in the basment division of my house. Anyways, NO I'm not in the army. Though I do have lots of respect for anyone in the service. 
my apologies then.. O and my consioince got to me.. i edited my posts back down to the real amout.. LOL..

My potatoes are ready to strike at any minute. We allianced with the Pop-Tarts so, you should watch your back. ^_^ Heh heh