hola from mormon country! i'm in salt lake city right now, what is today, monday...then it would be my third day on my two week journey

my family is on a trip too see a bunch of national parks and stuff. today we are going to see the grand tetons. and after the first day my playstation broke

well i don't know when i'll get another chance to post, so adios
Hope you're having fun
Don't fight too much with yuki
Are there amish areas around there?
Have fun! Since you playstation's broken you might as well enjoy Nature.

*makes new uber console from twigs and nuts*
wow, everything is so beautiful out here. just driving around and looking at the window is wonderful. i think yellowstone was my favorite so far, wow, i was so close to a bison i could have touched it. crazy bastards crossed right in front of our car.
Sounds like a fun roadtrip except for the playstation mishap
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good on though
D. Wolfwood
Quote:Originally posted by Mantis421
Sounds like a fun roadtrip except for the playstation mishap
They probably won't have electricity over there anyway:p
Quote:Originally posted by elcoholic
They probably won't have electricity over there anyway:p
He's in Mormon country, Not Amish country.

Quote:Originally posted by Nina182B
Are there amish areas around there?
Oops, I thought the Amish lived in mormon country after I read this. Then, WTF is a mormon?
I don't know how it is in the Netherlands but here in Portugal everybody knows who the mormons are. It's very common to see two handsome American young men walking together talking to people about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and The Book of Mormon. Mormon is a
Quote:nickname used for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who believe in The Book of Mormon.
Oh yeah.. I think I see them around in my neighborhood too. They wear black pants and a nice white shirt, sometimes with a tie too carrying around a bookbag and a bible. I think they're Mormons. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. And yes, the majority of them are handsome :p My dad loves talking to people about religion and when I was around 12 or 13 he invited a pair of them into our house and talked for an hour. Ahhh, I was happy

Whenever I see them nowadays I just pray they don't get harrassed or mugged in my neighborhood.
Ahh, I see now, thanks. Christian religion is kinda getting smaller in my region. People who believe in God are in the minority. Its still big in the farm regions but not in the city's. Never heard of the book of mormons though. I'll look it up sometime.
So do these american young men come to your country to try and convert people to their religion or something (is it an american religion)?
Quote:Originally posted by elcoholic
So do these american young men come to your country to try and convert people to their religion or something (is it an american religion)?
When they were at my house, that is the impression I got but mostly to spread awareness of their beliefs. I remember they offered to baptize or perform religious ceremonies. They also invitied us and our friends to go to a mass.
Quote:Originally posted by elcoholic
Oops, I thought the Amish lived in mormon country after I read this. Then, WTF is a mormon?
The Amish are mostly in Pennsylvania somewhere. I don't even know if there are Amish anywhere outside of that area.
I visited an amish town in Shipshewana, IN. I got stared at for being Asian.. One lady commented on my Notre Dame shirt and asked which of my parents were Irish :p I also picked up a book on the top five tourist attractions of the states in the US, and Shipshewana was up there with the Indy 500 and Notre Dame football games. I love Amish towns.. they have great butter, bread and milk