07-29-2004, 07:29 PM
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07-29-2004, 08:06 PM
You mean Isuka? That's been in arcades for quite some time now, at least if you're able to find an asian arcade. Anyways, the game's great, I look forward to the PS2 version, though I'm debating whether or not I should wait for the NA version, since the Japanese version just came out.
07-29-2004, 09:18 PM
Yeah dude I found out about it like 6 months ago. There is also going to be a GG Vs Street Fighter. Sammy is doing it not Cap. SF sprites done by the GG peeps is going to be MEGA SWEET!!!!
07-30-2004, 01:20 AM
Yeah, I've also heard of the game you're talking about, Osamu. I'm pretty the name was something the lines of 'Sammy Vs Capcom', so the game won't be limited to JUST Street Fighter characters (hello, Megaman!). It sounded like a fantastic idea, except I feel the GG characters are currently much more powerful than Street Fighter characters were, so SF characters are going to need a boost in power (unless you use their Marvel vs. Capcom forms, in which case they're adequate).
However, I haven't heard much about it as of late. Hopefully now that Isuka has been released in Japan, they can get to work on this Sammy vs Capcom title. All hail Sammy, the NEW lord of 2D fighting games!
However, I haven't heard much about it as of late. Hopefully now that Isuka has been released in Japan, they can get to work on this Sammy vs Capcom title. All hail Sammy, the NEW lord of 2D fighting games!
07-30-2004, 03:16 AM
Tis sweet, played it in Japananese arcades i also loved Rumble Fish
many a 100Yens and hours were wasted but damn arcades rule - but in the UK to expensive for my liking GRRRRRRR
many a 100Yens and hours were wasted but damn arcades rule - but in the UK to expensive for my liking GRRRRRRR
07-30-2004, 01:56 PM
I still think SNK is the leader in 2D fighters. I Think Last Blade vs GG would be a better game if you ask me.
07-30-2004, 03:56 PM
In case you haven't noticed, SNK is quite dead now. They refused to innovate, and continue to use their old, low-res, 16-bit based engine for their fighting games (with the exception of SvC: Chaos). And the last time I checked, Sammy owns the King of Fighters franchise, along with many other SNK brand of titles. Sammy (or rather, Arc Systems) still rules in the 2D fighting game realm, though it's too bad Capcom fired their entire arcade fighting game development staff, most of whom were hired by Sammy. Capcom had a good thing going with it's Street Fighter III graphic engine.
07-30-2004, 04:09 PM
There is a new 3D king of fighters game coming out, but I dont remember when.
07-30-2004, 06:27 PM
Rumble fish's graphics are sweet
i think they may be 3d sprites with cell shading so it looks 2D
i think they may be 3d sprites with cell shading so it looks 2D
07-31-2004, 04:04 AM
Quote:In case you haven't noticed, SNK is quite dead now. They refused to innovate, and continue to use their old, low-res, 16-bit based engine for their fighting games (with the exception of SvC: Chaos).
True I will bow down to that side of the fence. But in the face of that look at the track record for those 16 bit games. Those charcters did a lot to move the 2D world forward. Too bad time didn't stop at the year 2000. I think Capcom has been the most stale really. Look at how many Ryu and Ken clones there are.
07-31-2004, 12:44 PM
Mark of the wolves was the first SNK game to have a different graphics engine. It looked more like Street fighter zero. Plus Capcom hasn't changed their sprites too often. Look at Morrigan. She hasn't had a different sprite since she was made. EXCEPT for the Super Deformed sprite. Cap need sto update their characters for the next SF series. Not the VS games. They have had a few new ones but still..

08-03-2004, 10:11 AM
Sammy is great when it comes to the graphics, but SNK and Capcom are still #1 with gameplay mechanics. Hadouken Bitches!!!!
08-04-2004, 09:01 PM
08-04-2004, 10:52 PM
I wish Capcom would use the Street Fighter III sprites more often. They were the best.
I should have the new Guilty Gear in a couple of days. I'll let you guys know how it is.
I should have the new Guilty Gear in a couple of days. I'll let you guys know how it is.
08-11-2004, 11:20 PM
My buddy recently got a burn of this. It is pretty good. I think that mainly the only thing it has going for it is the 4 player action, other than that it is inferior to 'Reload', but hey it is 4 PLAYERS!!
Anyway, I immediately noticed that the screen feels larger and at the same time a little crowded. You also have to get used to different commands to change direction and change 'row' because there are two rows that you can operate on. There are I think 2 brand new characters and a sweet version of Robo Ky that is completely customizable, there is a lot you can do with him...
Anyway, I immediately noticed that the screen feels larger and at the same time a little crowded. You also have to get used to different commands to change direction and change 'row' because there are two rows that you can operate on. There are I think 2 brand new characters and a sweet version of Robo Ky that is completely customizable, there is a lot you can do with him...
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