I just wanted to know the diffrence between the two. Are they the same story? Ive been thinking of buying Vol. 1 but there was two Vol. 1s that I saw, Maximum and just Trigun.
Trigun is first. Trigun Maximum continues where Trigun leaves off.
Cool, thanks for the help.
I didn't even know they were making one. Who told you there were?
Last time I had it explained to me, which was a while back.
During the drawing of Trigun the guy started fighting with the company & just switched over to another one, but he couldn't use the name Trigun so he just changed the name.
Therefore I was lead to beleive that Maxium was just the same as the series, only it started in the middle. I've read some of one of them, but don't remember which, it might help if I could though.
Trigun ctd would rock, where can you get Maximum?
That is not quite right Batz. The company that Yasuhiro Nightow had been signed under went out of business.
Trigun Maximum has already been animated, technically.
You can buy the Trigun Maximum manga at
I believe in Maximum Wolfwood doesn't die, so they would have to write the character out of the anime series.
Quote:Originally posted by evilomar
I believe in Maximum Wolfwood doesn't die,
YAY!!!!!! wait......I thought it picked up from where the Trigun series left off which means Wolfwood would be dead...or he didn't die in the series. I am confused but Hooray for Nicholas D. Wolfwood!

they need to make that into a new series. but i bet it will take awhile because these things do take awhile after the manga comes out and then a studio get the rights and then it starts and then takes a shit load of time to hit the U.S.
so hopefully in my life time it will happen, i also wish i will see the rest of love hina come out the manga i hear finished the series and it would make sense if they did it ! it was a very popular series here and in japan. please finish it !!!!!
I guess my first post was a little too cryptic, let me see if I can clear this up.
"Trigun was first serialized in Shounen Captain magazine from the series debut in 1995 until the magazine was cancelled in 1997.
Following the cancelation of Shounen Captain, Nightow changed publishers to Shounen Gahousha and the series continued to be serialized in Young King Ours magazine. Due to the original publisher retaining the name ?Trigun?, Nightow had to change the title to ?Trigun Maximum?. It isn?t a sequel, just a new name for the rest of the same series."- Anime News Network
Hopefully all is now clear.
I see. Things are cleared up then. Anyway, it is still going to be awesome! I kept wondering what ahppened after the series ended. Now I will know. I am as giddy as a school girl! ...wait...I am one.