I don't really condone all of this "get back in the kitchen and make you some pie" talk but that girl was asking for it! If I were you she'd be dead meat by now! And not only is she childish but she's also a coward! What's up with complaining to your mother?! I say, "You make your bed, you lay in it"!
Oh, and she thinks she's hot? If she's 5' tall and 130lbs any doctor will tell her she's overweight! Doesn't she own a mirror?
*ryyyyowwwww* (cat rasping sound)
Cat Claws are out!

And they're sharp!

all the better to gouge eyes with

Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
I don't really condone all of this "get back in the kitchen and make you some pie" talk but that girl was asking for it! If I were you she'd be dead meat by now! And not only is she childish but she's also a coward! What's up with complaining to your mother?! I say, "You make your bed, you lay in it"!
Oh, and she thinks she's hot? If she's 5' tall and 130lbs any doctor will tell her she's overweight! Doesn't she own a mirror?
If I was a doctor I wouldn't tell her she was overweight...then again I'm not a doctor so I don't know for sure. Maybe it's different with women (which could mean a few things...), but I'm short and weigh about 135 and no one has ever called me overweight my entire life, in fact they think I need to eat more or something.
There's a formula used to calculate a person's Body Mass Index (BMI) and doctor's use it to see if a person's fat, thin, etc.
If your BMI is:
under 20 - you're underweight
between 20 and 25 - you have normal weight
between 25 and 30 - you're overweight
over 30 - you're obese
It's obvious that if your BMI is between 20 and 25 but it's closer to 25 you're close to being overweight and the opposite is also true. If that girl's really 5' and 130lbs her BMI is 25,4 wich means she's overweight.
This formula is aplied to men and women in the exact same way.
Well, you are correct, I don't know what those few inches do...but they do a lot. My BMI is 21.1, so I guess it works out. Then again, we don't know exactly what her height and weight are (I'm guessing) and if she's even 1 inch taller than 5 feet, she's not overweight. But all weight-arguing aside, I still hate her attitude.
If she's 5'1'' instead of 5' her BMI is 24,6 which is still pretty high and although she's not overweight she's close to it so I still say that if she thinks she's hot she needs a mirror.
Besides, a man with a BMI of 22 will look much thinner than a woman with the same BMI because men's bodily composition is different. Men carry less body fat than women. Body fat percentage in an average healthy woman is about 17-27 percent. In a similar man, the average body fat percentage is 10-20 percent. This means that usually men have more lean tissue than women. Also, 1 pound of muscle will have less volume than 1 pound of fat since it's denser. This is why a woman with a BMI of 22 will look bigger and fatter than a man with the same BMI who will look leanner. For a woman to have the same lean look she'll need to be much thinner than the man.
Oh, and for my BMI to be 24,6 I'd have to weigh 157lbs (at the moment I weigh 115). Trust me, I'd be extremelly fat if I weighed that much.
ANyway, I don't like her attitude either. I know a girl who seduced a friend of mine, got him to do all her school assignments and when he asked her out she stopped talking to him. It really hurt his feelings. Maybe it's just me but I'd never do such a thing.
Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
I know a girl who seduced a friend of mine, got him to do all her school assignments and when he asked her out she stopped talking to him. It really hurt his feelings. Maybe it's just me but I'd never do such a thing.
ye of Morals! yay
pity like 80% of girls i know are just plain ol' bitches
I know what it's like to have my feelings hurt.
so do i
but guess thats just part of life
ohhh woweths mee
i Cry

Good job Batz, but remenmber they have long memories and are very vengful
I said I was a preacher, I never said I am a good one
D. Wolfwood
Who? Us?! We're such sweet little creatures! :p
yaeh with The Razor Sharp Claws

though im sure you wear mittens:p