Cool, congratulations... All your hard work and studying paid off

Short & Simple: Congradz.
good job! college is so hard when you have 4 classes that are only 1 to 2 hours a piece. even harder when you have classes 3 out of the 7 days of the week. (notice my vicious impersination! No. No. No. I need to be meaner and more sarcasmatic.):p
Yeah . . . that didn't sound much like me.
Well, since I don't really like starting new threads about myself, I'll just piggyback on this one. I got a new job and I don't get to surf all day at this one. I also had to turn in my laptop in at my old job, so I won't get to surf from home in my own room with my wireless card anymore either. So if you don't see me on as much anymore, now you know why.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Yeah . . . that didn't sound much like me.
Well, since I don't really like starting new threads about myself, I'll just piggyback on this one. I got a new job and I don't get to surf all day at this one. I also had to turn in my laptop in at my old job, so I won't get to surf from home in my own room with my wireless card anymore either. So if you don't see me on as much anymore, now you know why.
If I couldn't surf the 'net at my job anymore I don't know what I'd do in between actual work... I'd probably have to get one of those ball and cup games or something.
My sympathies.
Congrats Animeshop and cool about the new job Vicious and not so sweet about the computer stuff. I still have a few more days of summer and then I start teaching summer school. I will miss sleeping in...:mad:
Quote:Cool, congratulations... All your hard work and studying paid off
haha - thanks but i was sure I was gonna get all D's because I really did not revise, only thing I worked on were the assignments o_0 hiphip hooray!!!
Congrats on your passing grades. I take a US history Clep Thursday. Why don't you celebrate and give your self an avatar. You have over 50 post now.
aha, I completely forgot - thanks will do
(good luck on thursday morg)
woohoo! my avatar is up - its my cartoon version of me

Well done! I passed mine to and found out yesterday! We dont get grades in mine though so all I know is I passed... None of my friends did though

congrats to you to, but sorry for your mates
yeh i thought in uni we get class honours like a first, second etc.. but first yr of uni for us they give us grades.
Well, congratulations Anime-shop, enjoy college while you are there.
Wow, you guys are lucky if you can surf the net while at work!! At my old part time job, they were really picky about that and kept telling people how they can get fired if they go to sites where they're buying stuff and anything not related to work. Even checking e-mail at yahoo was bad
Animeshop, that is a really cute avatar. I wish I could draw! And I think studying straight is 80% a waste of time in college. I learned the most just going to class and doing the projects and homework.
good luck with school.....

i usually post at the tech school i attend, but now they want to disable the internet because students arn't doing thier work. It's my grade what do they care, i paid them thier money already. So now i have to hide my posting that's easy enough with alt + tab.