yeah i dont know about ne one else but i think i would rather go to far summer has been really dull.all i do is play video games, watch anime, eat, and sleep.hows your summer going?
Hot! Too hot for my taste! :p But I've been enjoying myself. If I have free time to do the things that give me pleasure than I'm a happy person.

how can u enjoy school, the only good thing bout it is u get to hang round with ur m8s. The bad thing bout summer is wimbledon, I enjoy watching it, but its just when u go to the tennis courts every crap person with a 20 quid racket from argos is on the courts and u can bearly ever get a go.
my summer has been absolutely horrible so far. the first month of summer I had a bunch of blisters all over my hand and feet for 2 weeks. for 2 months now i haven't been able to find work so i can pay for stuff i am going to need for next year along with anime. i don't know what has happended that i really enjoyed this summer.
This was the summer I had planned to finish my first novel or atleast a book of short stories, but it was also the first summer I had planed to get a summer job, & now with the job the only moments I'm awake & not at work are spent online and/or playing video games seeing as how for the past 2 or so months I've bought 1-2 a week.
Quote:yeah i dont know about ne one else but i think i would rather go to far summer has been really dull.all i do is play video games, watch anime, eat, and sleep.hows your summer going?
Enjoy it while you can man. It is nothing short of my life's ambition to able to live like that.

My summer has consisted of traveling. Too much traveling...
summer=free time to do anything, make money - go out, read, watch, do stuff etc etc
You just have to find stuff to fill all that glorious and wonderful and hopefully never ending time

Yeah, I'm going to miss all my money when my summer job ends, which is in about 2 weeks

But, I got my anime savings up to about 140 last week, now I jsut have the problem that dad won't let me use his Credit Card again

Which reminds me, he still owes me a Birthday Gift, which he said he was going to get at Best Buy, or jsut order off the web. I'm not sure what he'll get. He said it's between a Cell Phone or a CD Burner, which is stupid because he told me it didn't matter which he got me, he'd liekly buy me a dvd burner next year, meaing I guess a CD burner in kind of a waste, but he knows I couldn't properly use a ceil pohne, or atleast not with the plan I would be using.
My summer started Awesome! with uni trekking and Japan
but now i have Uni daunting over me aswell as lack of funds
well since ive been back from Japan (rubbing it in to all those yet to go -hehehe) ive had to do a cack load to do,
not had a proper day to chill and relax!
redocorating my room - hence going through my junk ive collected over the years and throwing it away - oh the nostalgia of youth and innocence, damn since meeting Jessie she's opened my eyes on how i let the little things get to me and how i get attched to stupid things, like when i buy figures i dont throw away the packaging- but now they are all gonna be chucked
band practice - two more gigs left and thats it drumming days are over, no point in trying for another band with final year of uni and all
job hunting (need money)
sorting out my training regime (time for me to go buff again, but been soo long since training properly, i cant believe i let myself go for so long! did you know you lose muscle 3 times quicker than you gain it, - damn beer and kebabs
sorting out my damn PC (sisters ahhhh mess anything up)
i just wanna comatose and watch anime!
i want a longer summer its the last ive ever gonna have