09-02-2002, 05:54 PM
To celebrate the 100,000 visits mark I've decided to throw a contest in which I will give away some DVDs. After some thinking and listening to users I decided to kill 2 birds with 1 stone, fill the empty banner space at the top and do the 100,000 mark celebration 
So without any further adue, here are the rules:
Banner size must be standard 468x60
Animated GIFs are allowed (and even encouraged)
Content of the banners have to have:
1) One banner must have info about "Orders for AS/MAC DVDs over 100 Dollars get free DVD(s)" please note you can word it any way you want
2) One banner must be just the regular banner with our URL (www.import-anime.com) and some info like "HK DVD Reviews and Sales" or "Find your cheap Anime DVDs here"... or something of that sort, you get the idea
3) One banner must be a funny type, doesn?t have to have our URL on it but have some witty thing on it... example: "Anime is an addiction, just costs more, find your corner dealer here" I know its lame but I cant come up with something witty right now
Hope you guys can do better.
The size of the banner should not be bigger than 75K
Best banner in each category will receive a DVD prize as well and so will the runner up in each category.
Post your banners in the General Forum on our Site
The Contest will be open until September 20th after which the winners will be announced.
Good luck and happy photoshopping

So without any further adue, here are the rules:
Banner size must be standard 468x60
Animated GIFs are allowed (and even encouraged)
Content of the banners have to have:
1) One banner must have info about "Orders for AS/MAC DVDs over 100 Dollars get free DVD(s)" please note you can word it any way you want
2) One banner must be just the regular banner with our URL (www.import-anime.com) and some info like "HK DVD Reviews and Sales" or "Find your cheap Anime DVDs here"... or something of that sort, you get the idea
3) One banner must be a funny type, doesn?t have to have our URL on it but have some witty thing on it... example: "Anime is an addiction, just costs more, find your corner dealer here" I know its lame but I cant come up with something witty right now

The size of the banner should not be bigger than 75K
Best banner in each category will receive a DVD prize as well and so will the runner up in each category.
Post your banners in the General Forum on our Site
The Contest will be open until September 20th after which the winners will be announced.
Good luck and happy photoshopping