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I have the following items for trade. It's not much but some of you may want some of these. All dvd's and cases are in great condition.

Crest of the Stars (MAC, dubbed/subbed) 2 dvd
Cowboy Bebop TV (fx,dubbed/subbed) 3 dvd
Cowboy Bebop Movie (fx, subbed) *SEALED*
DNA^2 (fx, dubbed/subbed) 2 dvd
Dual! Parallel Adventures(MAC, dubbed/subbed)2 dvd
One Piece Episodes 1-30 (unknown, subbed) 6 dvd (will trade as if it were 3 dvd)
FLCL (MI, subbed) 1 dvd
Studio Ghibli DVD collection, 11 movies and 1 MV, (MI,subbed) 6 dvd

Voices of a Distant Star

I just looking for money right now (paypal or money order) or R1 dvd's. (Trying to build up a r1 collection).
Also, i'm looking for the Ping Pong Club Collection Box Set R1.

Successful Trades:

Im interrested in :
Cowboy Bebop TV (fx,dubbed/subbed) 3 dvd
Cowboy Bebop Movie (fx, subbed) *SEALED*

check my list
PM'ed you.
updated with escaflowne movie taken out
Interested in Voices of a distant star if it is the new one (if the case has a push thing in the middle then it is the correct one. But if it has a flower thing it the middle where u pull the dvd out then it is a defective one.


Wolf's Rain
Vandread Seasons 1 and 2
Cowboy Bebop TV (fx,dubbed/subbed) 3 dvd
Cowboy Bebop Movie (fx, subbed) *SEALED*

how much for these? Smile

Wolf's rain complete collection
Studio Ghibli DVD collection, 11 movies and 1 MV, (MI,subbed) 6 dvd
Vandread Seasons 1 and 2 (fx, dubbed/subbed) 3 dvd

interested in these sets. check my trade list. tks

Vandread seasons 1 and 2

DNA^2 (fx)
doin a little bump