As some of you probably already know there is a website that you can get a free ipod if you just get some users to sign up to. after looking into it i found out that it is legit and signed up to. if you want to get a free ipod then just go to this site and sign up with the free 15 day trial of then you cancel it immediately after.
Ahhhhh, ever since I bought my sony mini disk player, I wanted to shoot myself in the head for not getting an IPOD!!! That offer sounds cool but I'm always warey of supposedly free stuff. I'd definately wanna know if you get your IPOD though... I'll sign up too once I hear someone actually getting it.

It is a pyramid scheme and I looked at it. I could either sign up for a credit card, or use my current CC to order shit and cancel it. None of which seems all the appealing to me. ALL of them deal with CCs in one way or another. Basically, if you want the hassle, go right ahead. Personally, I'm going to go for a Creative Nomad.
scam !
i fell for one once where you get a free laptop and they had you do 2 online supporters and then they would send the laptop free and it was a scam never got it !
This is a pyramid scheme but it is not a scam. You get your ipod shipped straight from apple with a tracking number and everything. The same company also is giving away you choice of TV or LCD at
Here is a link to a forum where they have lists of people who have recieved their ipod and or flat screen
I'm actually trying to sign up for it. I got to the screen where I pick one of the free trail sign ups or something.. I'm trying to do the columbia house, get 5 dvds for .49 cents and my browser keeps going blank. Oh well, maybe I'll try again when I get bored.
I found that there's this great scam going round the internet.
It involves going into your local electronics store and handing over a 1/4 of a grand for a white crappy mp3 player that will most likely be mugged off you by a 13 year old the second you walk out the store.
Congratulate yourself for being "different" like all the other THOUSNADS of people. :p
Make sure to read the fine print on the Columbia House thing....If you don't know what they get those first 5 dvds cheap but then you have to buy like 4 more at their regular price of like $ beware. Most people go with the offer but they don't have encryption when sending your credit card info so some people choose AOL wich is probably your best bet if you don't already have AOL.
I've found those book club offers are pretty solid abuses of trust (for me the consumer mwuahahahaa)
Pay £5 for whatever excess stock they have left over and are selling at "amazingly low" prices.
After that i just put up with a few months of "more great offers" which I promptly ignore until they figure out i've suckered them into letting me have a whole bunch of books on the cheap and cancel my membership.