Since joining this board, i have realized that an astounding amount of people in our armed forces enjoy anime. Every anime message board has numerous members stationed around the world. Anyone else find this an interesting point? I know that our soldiers are often guinea pigs for studies, but has there been one to see how many and why there is such a large demographic in our armed forces?
Quote:Originally posted by gohan32
Since joining this board, i have realized that an astounding amount of people in our armed forces enjoy anime. Every anime message board has numerous members stationed around the world. Anyone else find this an interesting point? I know that our soldiers are often guinea pigs for studies, but has there been one to see how many and why there is such a large demographic in our armed forces?
I would say probably because Alot of military people hang out with other military people or groups per say.. So you got a good chance to introduce it to people and see if they like it.. Also its something to really kill the time when you are deployed..
Ok gohan32 I agree with Schultz a lot of military members hang out together.. we kind of are a family and we tell each other a lot of stories and especally in my career field there is a lot of computer people so it kinda gets around that anime is a big thing and you never grow out of cartoons especially with really cool fight scenes so yes I am an anime watcher, and in the military
By the gohan32 I did not know I inspired people tp make threads????? That is sweet

It could also be that quite a few armed forces guys become anime fans when they're stationed in places where anime/manga is pretty big. Japan for instance.
Quote:It could also be that quite a few armed forces guys become anime fans when they're stationed in places where anime/manga is pretty big. Japan for instance.
You hit that on the head sometimes it is were we get stationed at that helps influnce new ideas and past times. I was already a fan of anime before going to Japan, but it helped out alot that I meet Schultz there and he opened me up to so much more anime.
My oldest cousin's in the Air Force. He does maintenance for a specific jet, so where-ever that plane goes he goes too. He's been all over Asia and the South Pacific. He's even been to Japan. I get to see him this weekend when I go to New York. I haven't seen him in a few years because he's stationed in Alaska.
But, I'll have to see if he watches anime. I do get to talk to him first hand about what it's like in Asia. I want to go there..