Yaaaayyyy!!!! I'm so happy. Someone finally pissed me off enough that I got to go off on them. Phew. I feel much better now. I haven't been able to let loose on anybody in awhile now. I might've added too much to it since I've been saving it. Oh well.
Now to sit back and wait to see a response. Although I think it'll get locked before then.
In case anyone's wondering or wants to keep up with it, it's at the CJV forums. Here's a link. Even though I'm sure noone other than me actually cares about this.
phpBB : Critical Error
Could not connect to the database
This is the msg I got when I clicked on the link.
Oh Vic! Been meaning to ask you, how come sometimes in posts on AoD, I see parts of the body being 'blankoed' out?
*EDIT* Forum site down.
Whoa.. you must've -really- gone off on them if you managed to take down the site in the process.

That is our boy Vic....
Devourer of Threads
Quote:And the only thing that god is pissed about is that he actually messed up so bad that he created someone like you.
Stop! You're killin' me... my sides hurt now.

Man..that guy can't spell...he can only spell the profanities correct.
You know...maybe if they would get to know God rather than know what He's gonna do they wouldn't be so freaked out. Good goin' Vic!

I just saw that thread. That was waaaay too easy of a fight for mr. Vicious.
I am still waiting to see if there is a fatality...
Sometimes I wonder what possesses a person to start a thread like that. It reminds me of this preacher guy who would preach at my college campus every day. He was so outrageous and basically pissed everyone off every day. I have to give him credit for having the balls to do that everyday and take the crap people gave him.
The best part was that after I graduated I went back 2 years later for a seminar and he was still there and he looked like he had gained like 30 pounds.
That is the best kind of justice...
BTW that thread just got the axe... I was able to see some last choice words from kakoi_sugoi_yama. funny.
That's my boy. Getting threads locked and embarrasing (or making them make an ass out of them selfs) posters for there lack of debating skills.
Damn!!! It's gone. I was actually trying to be nice too. Until the guy started preaching religion to me. And then cursing in the very next sentence on top of that.
Well, if I'm nicer than usual for the next few days, you'll know why.
Japschin, I'm not sure what you're referring to. I've never had parts of a post blanked out at AoD. :confused: