I read traditional books as well. The thing about me is that I read, and read and then I read some more (it's a wonder I don't need glasses). This might sound exagerated but to me reading is as important as breading and eating. If I was ever prevented from reading I think I'd get extremely depressed and die from immunitary system failure. My mother taught me how to read when I was 5 and hopefully I'll be reading till the day I die. And so I read books, manga, french BD, magazines, etc. The latest book I bought was Richard Zimler's Hunting Midnight. I haven't had a chance to read it yet but if this one turns out to be as good as The Last Kabbalist of Lisbon then I know I'm going to love it.
Like animeshop said there is manga in Italian as well. Actually, France, Spain and Italy are European countries where manga is very popular. I speak Spanish as well but it's not a language that I like that much that's why I rather order my manga from France, even though Spain is right next to Portugal.
I had no idea laptops could be painted. If you're really thinking of doing that to yours animeshop I think you should definitely use the picture you posted. It's awesome!
Quote:Originally posted by animeshop
Your spoiling her, instead use that power and money to spoil me
She buys her own stuff... I'm not gonna make her quit, I get to watch it too...or read it as the case may be *laugh*
Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
LOL! :p
Amethyst, I really recommend you keep on reading Basara. I finished volume 15 last week and almost had a heart attack while reading. It's the best volume so far and the events in it are just... I can't even find a word to describe them!
Oh I can't wait for Basara!! When they finally find out about one another... man is that gonna be a real heart stopper!! Oh, and the last volume I read, the Blue King figured it out... oh boy....
I think we are only up to about vol. 5 here in the US... maybe 6... not sure because my list is old... *laugh* My daughter keeps the manga list updated... I do the anime one...
Apparently Basara has 2 story arcs. The 1st one ended in volume 15 and the 2nd arc began. It's in this volume that they find out about each other. Tears rolled down my eyes.

I'm with you Andromeda18_. I love to read stuff that is interesting. I find that it is quit essential to read japanese in order to get good at understanding it. Without reading you don't have much a way to express yourself except for writing.
As for the 900 page manga mag thats Gekkan Magazine. I only pay $6 for it but since your in CA it will cost you less. Just go up to a japanese store that sells mags and ask for Gekkan. They may or may not have it cause it is not as popular as shounen jump but the people who do read it buy it up. But Gekkan is in japanese so I wouldn't suggest it incase you can understand japanese really well to not rely on kanji to help you make sense of you read.
If your gonna paint your laptop make sure you clean the case really well and make sure to paint the case with an air brush for the fine details. Also make sure you have accurate ventilation and that it isn't a humid day when you paint, both of those will ensure a good paint job if the paint is half way decent.
Unfortunately I don't know Japanese but I'm thinking of learning. Just don't know if I should begin by learning it alone and later on enroll in a Japanese teaching school or if I should just enroll in the school right away. With college and everything I don't have a lot of time to take more classes.
I don't live in CA you know. I live in Portugal, Europe, there are no Japanese stores around here.

Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
Apparently Basara has 2 story arcs. The 1st one ended in volume 15 and the 2nd arc began. It's in this volume that they find out about each other. Tears rolled down my eyes.
Looks like I got about 10 volumes to go, and they don't come out all that often...

Oh man that is gonna be a good one or bad one as the case may be... so they are continuing the story then as well? Does the 2nd arc still cover the same people or does it move on to someone else? Guess I'll find out when I get to that point... *laugh* Provided they keep translating it into English that is...
Well, I just within the last about two months became a huge manga fan..and I only owned two before I became a big fan and it was Sailor Moon Stars..I bought about lets see 60 Mangas in the last 2 months I am sooo soo poor now..Here are some of my favorite titles....Kristy
Snow Drop
Peguin Brothers
Planet Ladder
Baby Birth
Shutter Box
Brain Powered
Wold Act
Peach Girl
Please Save My Earth
OK,So I guess I like pretty much all the manga I have read...And want so so much more manga...

In France a manga volume is published every two months which for me is a good thing since I buy so many collections, it allows me to control my expenses. In the 2nd arc the characters are the same but there are some new ones as well. Personally I wouldn't say it's another story arc since the story is the same but then again I've only read half a volume of this new arc so I can't really say much about it yet.
I wouldn't worry about the english translation if I were you. I'm sure they'll publish it till the bitter end, it's such a famous title!
Wow, 60 volumes in 2 months! No wonder you're out of money Kristym22! But I'm no one to talk since I'm just the person to do such a think. :p When we love manga, we really love it!
Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
I wouldn't worry about the english translation if I were you. I'm sure they'll publish it till the bitter end, it's such a famous title!
That's good to hear, too bad they didn't finish up the anime with it... I really liked the anime a lot... probably why I'm reading the manga now... *laugh* Now if they'd just get RG Veda or Vampire Hunter D translated into English... sigh..
So far I've bought and read 5 volumes of RG Veda which means I'm half way through the series. It's CLAMP's first manga but it's very good, and their art was already fabulous in the beginning of their career. Have you tried finding the scanlations on the internet?
Oh! Speeking of scanlations.. I am readeing Hana Kimi scanlations and its very good but wow there are like 22 volumes..^_^
Hana Kimi, that's done by Hisaya Nakajo right? I've been wondering what it is about.
Hana Kimi is about a girl who sees a high jumper on tv while in japan on vacation and becomes a huge fan.And in pursue of her obsession she goes to school in japan in hopes of seeing him high jump.but the school that she transfurs to happens to be an all males school.
Hope that helps. Just got done readeing all 22 manga on cd scanalations at least I think its all but it ended kinda funny so maybe I got a defective disk or they have not finished writeing it or something.Awe-well I guess I will look it up sometime...Kristy

Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
So far I've bought and read 5 volumes of RG Veda which means I'm half way through the series. It's CLAMP's first manga but it's very good, and their art was already fabulous in the beginning of their career. Have you tried finding the scanlations on the internet?
I don't have the time to read the manga my daughter has in her room... let alone read scans on the internet... *laugh* oh well... I will eventually get around to it... one of these days... We've just started watching Saiyuki Reload, got half of it watched... that was an enjoyable anime... we have so much stuff that we want to watch, sometimes it's hard to decide what to begin... *laugh*