Well I was wondering, yall seem to watch a lot of different things around here and I was wondering, what is the most inspiring anime. You know, one that makes you want to get up off your butt, & do something?
See I'm trying to be a writier (part time atlest) & I'm looking for something to give me ideas.
I personally found Record of Lodoss War (the OVA) to be inspiring. Gundam Wing was as well. Though, I suggest if you're going to be a writer, you learn to spell "writer" ^_~
anything Macross!!!!
They always make me wanna be a pilot!!!
It was somewheres between 12 & 1 in the morning cut me some slack, plus I didn't say I was goingn to be published

. I write for the hell of it.
Hentai is inspiring! It makes me want to*cough* erm, what was I saying? Oh yeah.. Check out the Ghibli stuff, like Totoro, or Grave of the Fireflies.. They can stand up to and surpass just about anything hollywood can do.
Urotsukodoji was very inspiraing for me... hehe first hentai i saw =D
Well after watching Cowboy Bebop, I was inspired to smoke like my hero Spike, and Jet. Plus it turned me on when Faye did. Seriously though, watch the live action Stand and Deliver, now that's an inspiring movie.
This weekend I was inspired by Ex-Driver to check into what it would take to actually buy my dream car, the Caterham Super 7.
It turns out the only dealer in Canada is about a half hour from my house and I can buy a kit for a little over $20K for the base model. I'm thinking I can actually do this before I turn 40 without too much trouble.
Gonna have to cut down on the anime to do it though... :wink:
By the way... that's about the only inspiring thing from Ex-Driver.
It raises the term Suspension of Belief to whole new levels.
Trigun was a very good series, but it inspired a sence of peace which consiering I try to write action, with lots of killing I ended up with writers block

Killing isn't everything. Writer's block sucks like a turd. Especially when you have to do a term paper, in two days. It happens to the best of us.
Personally id have to say Visions of Escaflowne, im not sure why .......... maybe i just wish i could escape from my own reality and be in another world such as that?
Cowboy Bebop was good aswell, and i must say Vash from Trigun has some similarities in character to Spike which i could relate to, but none of them made me "feel" like the overall story of Escaflowne did.
I rarely get writer's block when it comes to school work. When forced to write stuff for school, I just write about a low B paper if I don't want to write, but if I do I'll write about a 89 or 92 grade paper.
Hands down
Rurouni Kenshin
Never shoot for anything lower than a 100. I'm quite the nerd at times. Shoot not only for top ten but go for Valdictorian. Granted I spelled the word wrong, but you know what I'm getting at. ^_^