Just curious which version of DBZ people prefer to watch. The poll is fairly self explanitory. Will keep my opionion to myself on this thread, but if you really want i'm sure it wouldn't be very hard to find it in another lol.
I don't know....the original music had a certain charm. The voices I don't really care either way, since I don't really watch the show. The fact that they changed the music intrigued me so I decided to check out what the big difference was and the music change really seems to mess with the mood.
I didn't even know they had changed the music. I chose the dub, because I'll always choose the dubbed version if given a choice. But as far as dubs go, it's far from stellar.
Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
This is destined to get locked.
Why is it destined to get locked? I want to know peoples opinions. I want a debate on this by those that wish to debate. Now if people just post stupid things like UGH for absolutely no reason then it might get locked soon. Here's an idea, if you don't like this thread IGNORE IT. YOU do NOT need to come read it. Everyone else, post away!

Well seeing as this is the 50millionth one of these kinds of things we've had and they always get locked....it deems an UGH comment. I don't mind it being here though just hope it doesn't go the same route the other ones have.
So UGH had a reaosn to be said. Now that I see you are newbie I understand why you didn't know we try to avoid posting threads of this nature.
Dark's right in that just this week alone, we've already had enough sub vs. dub stuff. The thread's OK, as long as someone doesn't make some stupid comment.
Also, did you have to choose one of the worst English dubs to do a comparison with? You couldn't have chose something better like Bebop, or ROD, or Steel Angel Kurumi, or even Eva or Kenshin?
I'm watching the japanese version for the first time and loving it. Now i'll express my own opinion. I love the japanese voices because I think they yell/scream MUCH better. However, I do like the American music more for the the most part but some is stupid. I like Vegeta's theme a lot in English.
BTW I can't stant Pioneer's dub for the saiyan saga. Anyways, if you want to participate please do, otherwise you're just wasting your time. Please, express your opinions, just don't bash other people's opinions in doing so.
Quote:Originally posted by Cidien
Anyways, if you want to participate please do, otherwise you're just wasting your time. Please, express your opinions, just don't bash other people's opinions in doing so.
Stop trying to take recent events and trying to use them in your favor. Noone's buying it. Noone's bashed anything. So stop crying because people told you that your thread was lame and had been done before. You obviously don't know what bashing is.
EDIT: Before you respond, provide us with an example of 'bashing' in this thread.
You know what, forget it. The only thing people have posted really is that my thread is going to be locked and are generally being negative about it. It was not needed and should not have been posted. That is what I called bashing. I can't even have a simple poll/debate on this board. That's all I wanted. But it appears it's not going to happen.
BTW I was asking people not to bash others opinions, I didn't say people were already going to do it. Was a request.
Quote:Originally posted by Cidien
BTW I was asking people not to bash others opinions, I didn't say people were already going to do it. Was a request.
Well, in that case I messed up because I misinterpreted. Because I thought you were referring to either me, Dark, or Kakoi. Because even though our comments might have been negative, they were not 'bashing'.
Anyway I prefer the original with original music just because I think that in the dub version Funi. was aiming at kids since it was the beginning of anime at the US, what I mean is that it wasn't as big as it is now, and they just thougth of it like a normal cartoon show. Nothing agaist the dub its just that they changed too much. I saw both versions at its clear that the original version is much more serious and the music is one of those things.
I think it's much more serious in the japanese version too. The characters seem a little more responsible in the japanese version. I think Bulma is the most different from japanese to english. What do you guys think? Whos character's personality changes the most in translation?
Im in total Agreement with Cidien
The Dbz English Dub really gives it a Corny Feelin to it and the rock type music i herd when watchin the Trunks Special was Ridiclious!!
i agree that in the Jap Lanugage Dbz has a Much different Tone and more seriousness to it i donno why but the voices really bring out a great deal in the Dbz series in comparison to the Dub. Which is probably due to the fact of the poor job done on the Dub but while Funi it is supose to be expected!!! But in all honesty Dbz definatly has some Fun Kiddin around to it so its not a serious war story ex. Zeta gundam but when fighting and battles do commence if find it more enjoyable with the Jap audio.
but then again u must remmber any Anime that Hits TV in north america is gonna be aimed at Children not all but a Majority
unless its time slate is late at night.
but thats my opinion dubs somtime are done well other times well just try and tell me u can stand bulmas voice LOLOL:mad: