08-25-2004, 10:19 PM
Pages: 1 2
08-30-2004, 05:44 PM
Kings, Beer Bong, Asshole, other assorted drinking games made up on the spot to get you blasted.
08-31-2004, 01:08 PM

OMG just the thought is making it so i cant type, hold on. OK.
I absolutely love drinking games. Me and my friends used to play them nonstop, if there was alcohol there were cards and vice versa. The top one was probably Go Drink, which we came up with after having lost the ability to play anything else. Basically it's Go Fish, but some rules have been modified(see below). We also played Asshole, some horse race thingy, BEER! the cardgame, and the Pirates of the Caribean Drinking game. The last one gets a bit out of control if you need to take one drink for every explosion, see the Monkey, or see the medalion. Good luck finishing the movie useing those rules. Hmm, now I want to throw a party... maybe this weekend.
Go Drink
get one deck of playing cards, 2-6 players, and alcohol
1. Deal 7 cards to each player, set the rest on the table face down
2. Check you hand for pairs, place them in front of you face up
3. The player with the most cards in their hand goes first, if its a tie go with whos closer to the left of the dealer.
4. Ask someone for a card (must match one in your hand), if you get what you asked for go again untill you miss.
5. When you miss you draw a card and take a drink. If the card is the one you asked for continue your turn otherwise we move on.
6. Turns continue clock wise untill all cards are paired. If you run out of cards in your hand you can ask for anycard you think someone has. If you get it the card you asked for, return to step 4.
7. When all cards have been paired, count them up and see who has the most. That person is the winner.
8. The winner must then assign a number of drinks equal to how many pairs he/she had, to whoever they want. All to one, divided to several/all, or to themselves if they're(<- propper use) an alcoholic.
9. See step 1.
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