Quote:Originally posted by Robojack
go right ahead, since we asians are ignorant at times (we don't like other cultures much), so maybe it was a little of that shining through.
I happen to be asian as well and I find that to be racist. I have no problem with other cultures at all. Don't create false sterotypes.
What can I say? Whitewashed you are.
But we're straying much off-topic here.
Just because I have no problem with other cultures I am "whitewashed"?
This thread's become a real flamer.
I'm fast becoming bored. This thread's been exhausted.
I finally agree with you on something...
RoboJack I believe you are whitewashed thinking that japanese sounds like chinese. I dare you to say that to a japanese person.:p I'd expect that from a non-asian.
I think if i recall back the first anime that i ever watched was Megaman. Then after that I watched Sailor Moon on cartoon network. Then after that I got HOOKED on pokemon. Then I wass hooked on a little dbz after that. Then after that yu-gi-oh (still watch that now)
Quote:Originally posted by tsunami
RoboJack I believe you are whitewashed thinking that japanese sounds like chinese. I dare you to say that to a japanese person.:p I'd expect that from a non-asian.
Excuse me, I have relatives who are japanese. Thus, I do a little japanese blood in me, albeit a little. Think before you talk.
wow this is really getting off topic here..........:confused:
...and the award for most useless thread goes to... *drumroll*
...actually, this started out as a good thread. Maybe some people need to take their ridiculous (*cough*Robojack*cough*) flame wars into PMs, huh?
Devilman and Dagger of Kamui
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack
Think before you talk.
Hahahahaha. Please, give me a second to stop laughing here. Hahahahahaha. OMG. You're hilarious.
I think the irony of this should already be apparent to everyone.
Oh, but I think you are mistaken. Everything I have typed was typed for a reason, thought and premeditated beforehand, and read over once typed. If I seemed offensive, I meant it exactly as I had written, in those exact words. That's why I asked you to read over one of my posts earlier, because the way I had phrased a sentence was meant to do exactly what I had intended.
So yes, I definitely do think before I type. However, what you're thinking of, and what I'm thinking of may be completely different. Isn't it great that we are individuals?
A. Why are you responding to me when you already said you didn't want to talk to me anymore.
B. How do you know he didn't think before he made his post? He could've, just as easily as you did when you made your posts.