Quote:Originally posted by Jiro Komyoji
Vicious: You can ask me any question that you want. *whispers*keep this a secret, but I'm not actually 15. I just put that to hide my real identity.*shows his F.B.I. badge* *end whispering*
That's not happening. You're 3 weeks older than my little brother. So I won't be asking you questions like that.
But the questions I could ask you Vicious...
Hey where did you put the PB & J?
Quote:Originally posted by Homeless Joe
actually you get....MY ASS!!!!!! lol, that's from kung pow enter the fist, ever seen it?
Homeless Joe is right. Are you that naive? :eek: Can you answer a question correctly!?
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
That's not happening. You're 3 weeks older than my little brother. So I won't be asking you questions like that.
Suit yourself.
yeah! you said you'd answer the questions, but how do we know you'll give us the right answer?
so thats what happened, and i refuse to stop smoking.
why didnt you answer my question?
homeless joe: Because I'm always right.
meoryo: On your legs...
Last Exile: Because it was aready answered
Quote:Originally posted by Owozifa
While it may not be my place to answer questions...
The question mark is thought to originate as follows:
Originally from the Latin for "to ask". The symbol itself, "?", is thought to be derived from the first and last letters of "quaestio".
As for the braille...I'll go ahead and say it's for those rare chances where a blind person who has been sightless for their entire life somehow becomes sighted again and recieves a driver's license, however they would have no way to read, therefore...they...need...braille? And of course to pass their driver's test...they cheated. Or came from some state(is there one?)/country that doesn't test.
why did u start this thread?
animeshop: I originally started this thread becuase I had 3 posts to go until I became a semi-baka. I was going to answer any 3 questions and then stop. But I then decided to keep on going.
Why are people mean and don't show appreciation for things? ><
May: Well, a lot of people are ignorant and stupid. They think that it is cool to be mean to people. But don't worry. The people who are stupid and mean will have a very hard time later in life. If anyone like that is calling you names just think that in 20 years from now instead of calling you geek or whatever, they'll be calling you boss. That's what I like to think.
A question a question......... UMMMMM Why does 7/11 have locking doors when they are open 24 hours a day?
ooo ooo ooo, I know that one!
Incase they have to close...
Or see the robber coming from a ways