i got an email from funimation about lost episodes of dragonbll gt,i went to the site and most of the stuff there i had already seen on tv. So what is all this lost stuff?
They started the series in the middle of the show, instead of at episode 1. The "Lost Episodes" are episodes 1+
It's basically the 1st 16 episodes which were pretty crappy IMO. They were never 'lost' since this was in Funi's plans all along.
yeah and because of Funi now all Hk rips of DB GT are missing those first 16 episodes. I'm not sure about the MI set but I think it's the same as the MAC set..... missing 16 episodes

Quote:Originally posted by bumperboy
yeah and because of Funi now all Hk rips of DB GT are missing those first 16 episodes.
A. I don't think Funi cares that the Hk's are missing episodes. Since they are getting nothing out of it and do not cater to the Hk market.
B. If the HK companies wanted to rip those episodes, they could have easily waited. It's the same basic principle as when only 4 out of the 1st 6 discs of a series have been released and they wait for the last 2 discs before they do the rip. The HK companies got greedy and didn't want to wait for all the discs to be released (since Funi has said from the beginning that they would release all of it).
So you blaming Funi is wrong on either account.
Funi could have waited a bit longer and release all the episodes together. Now HK will just make one of those 2 dvds sets and that's all