In response to the other thread, I was wondering what kinda car do you drive? If you have a piccy post one up.
Mine's a 2003 Caviler, by Chev. I just got it last month, and it's my new pride and joy ^O^.
2003 Hyundai Sonata GLS... -fully- loaded...
The black leather interior seemed like a good idea until the first ridiculously hot summer day. Yowch.
I loves it all the same, though.
i have a 72 bug, she's my baby
I drive a Geo Metro. Oh yeah, baby!
I have no idea what year or anything. It was a hand-me-down car.
I used to have a '92 Metro... it was a very nice disposable car for the money. I put almost 200,000 miles on it before it was towed away by the city and I didn't bother claiming it (it still ran... just wasn't worth the hassle of retrieving).
Currently, I'm driving a '92 Subaru Legacy wagon that I love dearly. I've had it up to 220 Kph and it's lots of fun to drive. It qualifies as the second best car I've ever owned (right after the '87 Toyota Celica I used to own).
The other car I currently own is a 2001 Chrysler Neon LX. I like that it has air conditioning and cruise control and keyless entry but that's about it. As far as a driving machine goes it's very basic and not much fun. I'm looking forward to having it paid off so I can sell it and get a different new car.
i have a 92 ram charger, its my first car, i had a friend who is very good with cars pick out a car for me to buy and he said that this car has basically been kept in a good condition as possible. its a big old steel truck/suv type thing with a big old V8. I still dot know how to drive,vey sad, i know, im gonna go to driving school in july though.
I drive a 95 Honda Civic EX Coupe, with the 1.6L VTEC engine. I made absolutely sure that I had a manual transmission since I got so used to it in my previous car and personally I wouldn't want to drive an auto now. I'm sure that at some point, I'll be like my mom, who drive only manual until she bought her 98 Jetta in 1999.
My car is quick, has a good amount of Horsepower for street driving and since it's a honda engine, it has a very good range of potential for souping up.
I have an Acura Integra '94 and Acura MDX '02. However, I drive the Integra 99% of the time since it's a much sensible choice to drive to school. My MDX was hit once and scratched once by other students when they backed out their cars. Never found out who did it. It's a case of hit and run.
It's also so much cheaper to fill up the tank on the Integra. The MDX cost me $50 of gas each time.
I'm thinking of getting a Honda S2000 or a Lexus E-Shift end of the year to replace the Integra. Hehe...will see if I can afford it by then. Maybe I should just give up buying R1s every month....highly doubt it. Hahha there goes the new car

unless the Integra dies *TOUCHWOOD* :p
how rich are your parents?
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
how rich are your parents?
My thoughts exactly although I think she doesn't depend on them.
What kind of job do you have Japschin? (or who's your sugardaddy:p )
Quote:Originally posted by elcoholic
My thoughts exactly although I think she doesn't depend on them.
What kind of job do you have Japschin? (or who's your sugardaddy:p )
Job? What job? Heheh j/k. Actually, I only work in 2 video stores right now. IMO, I'm paid pretty well for a small business since I've been working there for 3 years++. My boss gives me and the other girl working there bonuses twice a year. How big the bonuses depend on how well the businesses are doing. I usually get more since I work at both places. Used to work in California's largest movie distribution center at the same time. That job was well paid but it's not worth the 1 hr drive (w/o traffic) and few anime screeners to watch since anime is not selling well in California. School schedule was really crazy for the past year.
Guess what? Today, even though I'm not working at the distribution center anymore, the sale reps gave my boss anime dvds to pass it to me. Got GITS #1, Fighting Spirit #1, Gad Guard #1, GunGrave #1 and some older dvds.
My sugar daddy is my bf. :p

He shares the payment for the MDX with me. He pays the larger share since he uses it most of the time. Other than that, I pay for everything myself. I don't like relying on anyone. The things that are stopping me from getting a new car are my crappy anime expenditure and my increased rent. If I give up my anime spending, I can afford a new car. Sigh........anyway, don't really think I need a new car since mine's still working.
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
how rich are your parents?
I havn't been relying on my parents for at least 5 years. I'm a grown up! Hahahahah

:p Therefore, it doesn't matter how rich are my parents. Even if my family's rich, I didn't take a single cent from them ever since I moved to California for school even when they offered to pay for everything. I am brought up by my parents to work for what I want and the only person you can rely on is yourself.
Well, I keep my anime spendings in check by buying the 26 ep. series on HK but most of the spare cash goes to official live action movies anyway. Buying shows on R1 like you do (although you got a real sweet deal today from your boss) can surely drain your wallet fast. If you switch to HK or downloading for a while I'm sure you'll have a new car in no time

. But I know how hard it is to stop a hobby of collecting things
Decisions decisions...
After talking Schultz's ear off about it while I was in Japan I bought a 1998 Chevy Blazer. I even had 1500 to put down as a down payment. Which in turn got me my first loan without needing a co-signer. Talk about feeling good that day. My other car is a truck a 1998 Chevy S-10.
I too have a Blazer, although it's older, 1990 I think. It's not bad, it doesn't really seem to act like your modern SUV.
1991 Mitsubishi Mighty Max, Black Pickup, Standard
I love driving standard... way more fun then an automatic.