It sux being an Anime/Manga fan living in Japan and u cant read Japanese. I will being living here for 9 more month. If anyone needs or wants something from Japan. Let me know, I could try to find it for u. For example Manga in Japanese if u could read them and model kit such as Gundam. There a store here tat sell nothing but gundam kits. Let me know, later

I envy you. Why are you in Japan anyway? I need to go soon so I can extend my vocabulary. I'm still a novice (although I can read Japanese

Yeah!!! I want to go to Japan sometime.Although I dont know Japanese and I definately cant read it ether but I do want to learn I just need more ambition...

If you could find Largo's "cool thing" from Megatokyo, that would be awesome.
I don't have anything serious to say, but where in Japan are you?
Quote:Originally posted by Jiro Komyoji
I need to go soon so I can extend my vocabulary.
you could always take a class or buy a book or something...
I took two years of Japanese in high school. It was really hard, but it was fun at the same time.
have you ever heard of muzzy? that crazy monster knows how to speak all sorts of languages.
yo gohan, love that megatokyo reference, the cool thing is awesome!!
l33t ru13z
If you need anything read for you, you can try to post a picture of it and we can try to read and/or translate it for you.