I just want to know what everyone thought of Evangelion and The End of Evangelion in general? I personally found it to be a little creepy...but now I'm looking foreward to picking up the R1s
looking back on eva the TV series.. its actually pretty boring and average series... I and rest of the people here in north america thought it was so amazing because we didnt have much to compare it to... the End of Eva made up for it... not many anime series gut the entire world for hte hell of it hehe

Seeing the series in it's entirety is good but if you negate the last two episodes and put end of eva in there it makes for a better story.
Personally I loved the series and end of eva made it a lot better

this is one of those series that 'early' anime fans love..... but then when they start becoming too cool for the mainstream stuff they toss it aside....
cause if you look at it then it's REALLY good.... it has so much deeper meanings that nobody knows about..... and some really good characters (alot of people can relate to shinji.... even though he's a complete pansy)
as for the end of eva..... that whole asuka fight scene MAKES the movie.... the whole thing could have sucked and i would have still loved it......
but the best way to enjoy eva is to read a full synopsis of it..... and see what is what.........
also i got this whole new reloving for it after watching the death and rebirth dvd..... then listening to the whole commentary track.... it just explains soooooo much that you wouldn't normally catch.....
but hey.... think what you like......
it's just one of those series that you either love or hate...... about a year ago i started losing interest in it.... but then a couple months back my love for it came back.....
The only way to watch Eva is to sit down and watch the entire thing from beggining to end. Personally I found the ending in the show very predictable, They tried to be surreal but I found it lame and lackluster where was all my action. Now the movie on the other hand was the end I wanted. It was made because so many others thought the end was a cop out. As for that movie it still stands out in my mind as being great it had it all. Now the other clip movie is another can of worms. 8O 8O
End of Evangelion is like watching David Lynch Movie (e.x. Mulholland Drive or Lost Highway).
Gaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Spoilers.