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i saw a screen shot in game informer for a cowboy bebop video game for the ps2. bandai is making the game, and from what i've read you will be able to play as spike, jet and faye. it is set to be released some time this fall. plus, the music score is going to be done by yoko kanno who did the music for the series. hopefully this game won't be flop.
The trailer makes the game look quite well/decent, defenely playable & worth a buy if you're a fan, but then again the trailer is only 36 seconds long. Smile
From what I've read that graphics are below average...
Is this just going to be North American release of the older Bebop game?

If it is, then I'll take a pass on that. The last game was supposed to be pretty bad by just about any measure of a game.
I saw a trailer for it (don't remember where) and it looked like it would be a pretty cool game. Sure the graphics are lacking but hey, it is Bebop afterall Wink. That has got to count for some good thing about it.
go to it'll be there
Cool. I will go there Wink.
Its a 3d action/adventure game with cell shaded graphics (like XIII) so that might be why some people don't like the graphics. You either like that style or you don't. I personally like playing cell shaded games and from the trailer I saw the action seemed pretty good. I'm definetly planning on picking it up when released.
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
Is this just going to be North American release of the older Bebop game?

If it is, then I'll take a pass on that. The last game was supposed to be pretty bad by just about any measure of a game.

This is a completely new game. Thankfully.Big Grin
Yeah, I showed my buddy the trailer when he was over & he started bouncing off the walls (ok big over exageration, but still).

It, Star Ocean 3, Devil May Cry 3, & the new Berserk game are all on my list of games I'll likely preorder asap.
the game is still a work in progress so anything could happen. i like cell shading it will give the game more of a cartoon feel
Cartoon look, huh? Now that I like Wink.