Oh, well hellos & welcomes back young'n
Have fun while ya can.
I Shall!! I will party!! *dances*
Forever isnt that long to you i guess huh?
Holy sh*t! Miso! *runs up and hugs her* She is back! *dances around* I missed you so much!

. Miso to the rescue!!
mwahahahahaha Miso we should tell these mortals of our plans o conquest
*joins group hug*
So good to have her back. *nods many times* Well, I must wait and read more of her posts :p . No doubt about that.
AAAAWWWWW!! You guy!! *Blushes* Forever is not too long!! :p I missed you all SO SO MUCH!!! DOMO!!! *Dances around* So what plain did I miss???
Heh heh heh. A lot. Hm...where is Rav when ya need him?
He's alway around!! Even if you don't know it!!
Eek! Creepy, yet cool. All you missed really, was us moping about how you were gone...but now you are back! Did we mention we missed you? Lol.

I'll be going off again........But, I'll visit more!! GOMEN!!! I know.....Miso is back but then gone again!! WAAAAAAA!!!!!! You ALL Better E-MAIL me or else!! Later!!
*cries her eyes out* I am such a freakin' jynx! Now Miso has to leave us again!

*cries some more* I promise I will e-mail the Miso. :o .
so do i!!!
emails full of evil and hate :p