Well guys and gals I am here in the desert (wanna know where turn on the news) After 72 hours in airplanes, hotels, and airports. I am given up to the heat and the wind. I am really glad I can still post on the boards due in part to Schultz. Alll I really wanted to say was hi and I am safe. Talk to you all later...
Well, good luck and keep safe. I hope things get better soon over there. Where are you stationed, near any big cities? And whats your job over there?
Hot winds suck.
use to get those all the time in Arizona ! but safe travel and good luck with what your doing !
Hey Morg, stay safe, keep your head down and let the marines and the army take care the rest

Thanks for the good words.. To answer some questions...
elcoholic - Yes I am near a some what big city. I am in an area where the Kurds live. And my job is Fire Fighter.
Last Exile - It is about the same the guys from Davis-Monthan AFB say it is about 15 degress hotter than there though.
JJ - Thanks for the advise, I will let all them do that kind of work. But we have to do with the blackhawks and do some "jaws of life" stuff on the Humvee's... So there is danger even doing my job. looking to buy some anime while I am here will you ship to my APO AE address JJ...? Please...

yea APO AE is same as shipping to the USA so its cool (it just gonna take u abit longer to get)
Sweet JJ... There is some hot FX title I am looking forward to..
And thanks Kaoki... Hey you did you ever send off that package...
Hey Morg,
So, did they put you in a tent or are you in an abandon building? Stay safe, alright! And that is not a request!! We all have a Con to go to!!
Thanks Ka-Ta, I will stay safe, but things are not great. I know Schultz can relate. We had a huge fire a week ago the MSA blew up due to a rocket attak that caused a huge grass fire the lit som small rounds and then the ammo dump in the MSA.
Right now I am trying to keep myself busy. Working on a pool here at the station. Oh we are living at the Fire Dept in what use to be officer quarters. So I have running water but all bathroom breaks must be done at what we call the "CADILLAC" It is getting hotter in both weather and the lead up to change of power.
Food is good... And I am working out. Schultz if I sent you the video of the MSA expolsion would you post on a website for me...?
Hand over of power happened today and we get a missle attack at night... hum....