well can we still get these through the site through JJ or are they no longer to be sold at all.
we should set up an underground sale of them cause its not fair ! or make this site members only and check their stuff before they can join ! something so we can keep the titles behind doors ! cause you know another R1 company might do this same thing and we will not have any more HK animes !
so any one else have a word to say ?
or answer some of my questions !
let me know !
Ummmm, this sort of information you wouldn't want posted in an open forum...
You have heard of email, haven't you?

Or for that matter, trade lists?? laugh
Quote:Originally posted by Amethyst
Ummmm, this sort of information you wouldn't want posted in an open forum...
Damnit!!!! Once again you beat me to it, so I can't make any smart-ass comments.
But yeah, basically. Wise move there posting about this in an open forum.

thats why it needs to be a closed one only looked through members can access it ! so they can keep all this not open !
it should be that way anyway !
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Damnit!!!! Once again you beat me to it, so I can't make any smart-ass comments.
But yeah, basically. Wise move there posting about this in an open forum.
Laugh... that's twice now... I must be on a roll!! Oh, don't let me stop you from making your comments... I do so enjoy them!!

Quote:thats why it needs to be a closed one only looked through members can access it ! so they can keep all this not open !
Provided, of course, that ADV (and other actively-anti-HK companies) doesn't employ "spies" or "mystery shoppers" to infiltrate these forums.
I think this thread should be locked, as we're probably starting to go a little too deep here...
Quote:Originally posted by Last Exile
well can we still get these through the site through JJ or are they no longer to be sold at all.
we should set up an underground sale of them cause its not fair ! or make this site members only and check their stuff before they can join ! something so we can keep the titles behind doors ! cause you know another R1 company might do this same thing and we will not have any more HK animes !
so any one else have a word to say ?
or answer some of my questions !
let me know !
Yeah, that's a great idea! Ignore a cease and desist letter and get sued! Brilliant I tell you, brilliant!
Quote:Originally posted by Last Exile
thats why it needs to be a closed one only looked through members can access it ! so they can keep all this not open !
it should be that way anyway !
You do realize that you have to be a member to check pretty much any of the messages in this forum right? So what you're asking for is already taking place.
Unless you want to create 'elite' forum members that can check a super secret thread. You just eliminated like 90% of the forum members, and that 90% includes you as well.
Actually, Vicious...
Anyone can read this forum. Many of the topics even show up if you do a search on Google. You only have to be registered if you want to leave a message.
That's not what I got when I logged out and tried getting back into the forums. It took me to the login page.
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
Actually, Vicious...
Anyone can read this forum. Many of the topics even show up if you do a search on Google. You only have to be registered if you want to leave a message.
You sure? Because it always asks me to log in first.
EDIT: Just logged out and tried checking the forums. I get the following message:
You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
You are not logged in. Fill in the form at the bottom of this page and try again.
even if you have to log in to read messages, it doesnt matter, because registering is free and easy. anyone can read these posts, justs takes em a couple minutes the first time.
My point exactly. That's the way it is already currently set up. So not sure what LastExile is trying to recommend here or how that would filter out anyone from checking the forums.