I don't know. There's just something not right about the show. The quirkiness of the original is just not there. Doesn't help that some of the judges are dumb asses either. Just watched the first battle between Flay and Sakai last night and one of the judges refused to eat the food. I guess he doesn't like raw fish. But WTF, how did you get to be a judge if you don't eat everything? What if they picked a theme that the judge doesn't eat?
And I don't know how they scored Fray higher than Sakai on creativity. Sakai made fucking trout ice-cream for god's sake! No amount of hallucinogen smoked on Flay's part could he come up with that shit.
I have yet to see it. When and what is it on? (not drugs).
i saw an episode with american judges where the two best jap and american chefs teamed up to do the cooking it sucked to fast and just not good ! i like the old style !
Quote:Originally posted by gohan32
I have yet to see it. When and what is it on? (not drugs).
Not sure, check your local listings. It's on tomorrow night 9 Eastern on the Canadian Food Network though.
Sound wierd but intersting but nothing like that comes on TV in the UK
yeah the judges suck, they should have at least gotten somone that know food other than hamburgers and stakes, thats why sakai and morimoto always lost.
i love the original iron chef, but the US version sucks. i bet the match between sakai and flay was fixed, theres no way flay is a better chef, you can even tell by the judges expressions that sakai has the better dishes.
i m sorry, but whoever stands on a cutting board or throws it on the floor is NOT a chef (flay did both of those in earlier competitions)
oh well, they also took out the some key elements from the japanese version
i saw part of that ep. but i didn't finish it. i do agree the american iron chef isn't as good as the original
Most American chefs stink with no creativity.
this sounds like the normal "american culture sucks, japanese culture rocks" garbage that is spewed all over the place on this forum. flay already won twice on the normal iron chef; he may be a total douch*bag, but you cant assume that he sucks at cooking because of that.
Flay won ONCE on the Japanese Iron Chef, not twice. He lost his first match to Moriymoto, then won the rematch (even though the producers allowed this just to shut him up, since he was spouting a lot of BS regarding the verdict of the first match). His dishes seem too 'bar & grill' for me and elementary, particularly when compared to Sekai's very classy and refined French-style of cooking. The producers of Iron Chef America likely aren't about to let ANY of their Iron Chefs lose their first battle, which is why Moriymoto lost against Mario Batali, and will probably lose to Wolfgang Puck.
america really doesn't have a major culture. more or less it's a culture made up of many different cultures
Quote:Originally posted by rav96
Sound wierd but intersting but nothing like that comes on TV in the UK
No, but you have "Celebrity Detox":p
yeah and Hells Kitchen reality crap
Blah..... i hate Reality TV
Just live your own life and stop watching someone leses to all those BigBro fanatics
