Happy Birthday!

. Have a good one.
Another one!
Happy birthday DO.
I hope your day is brighter than your name. :p
Happy Birthday DUDE

Hope your birthday is absolutly wonderful.Have a great day.And lots of fun.Kristy
It's a B-day epidmic...have a good one Dark
Sorry, but I don't participate in any of the birthday threads. I view my birthday as just another day in the year, so obviously I'm gonna do the same with anyone else's birthday. :eek:
wow so many people and no birthday boy !
well have a good birthday !
Watch Anime
Happy Birthday! Hope it was a good one, and...don't choke on the cake??
THANX EVERYONE!!! I've been busy this weekend, sorry for not posting til now. My B-Day was Saturday and it was great!Kakoi and my other friend all hung out and raped each other at Guilty Gear XX on PS2! Who knew rape could be FUN?!?!?!? Seriously though it was fun and I thank everyone for posting in here. Vic, you posting in here is enough of a way to say Happy B-Day. So nya nya nyaaa! Well I feel like a 3 year old for typing that instead of a 23 year old...oh well. Thanx everybody!