Who here LOVES Ramen??? This morning, when I got on the computer to do my job, I had the biggest crave for RAMEN!!!! I haven't had some for a week!! I relized there was something wrong with me......THAT was it!!! SOOOOO WHO LOVES RAMEN????????????????????
i for one love those damn there Ramen!
im a student and i live of them coz they are soooooooo quick to make

MMMMMMMMMM....I love the RAMEN!!!! Fast, cheap, and tasty!!!
Ramen is awesome! I once hosted an exchange student from Taiwan who left me with a ton (not the kind you'd get at a regular supermarket; rather authentic imports). Tons of flavors.
I haven't had it for a while, though.
I like cup of noodles, does that count? But yeah I like most asian food.
RAMEN OWNS YOUR SOUL!!!!!! Well.....I gess so....But it's RAMEN!!!!! Every one NEEDS the RAMEN!!
i too am adicted to ramen, so easy to make. hmm, damn now i want some
whats the most weirdest ramen flavour you have ever had?
for me it was squid and sesame/pomengranate seed flavour, got it from a flatmate
Is shrimp....just somthing about it.... Yes, it is very addicting!! GO buy some!! everyone should have the ramen!!! That should a LAW!!!
the wierdest would have to be shrimp, but thats really not that wierd. whats disgusting is that i actually ate raw sea urchin at a sushi bar and then ate the heads of the sweet shrimp i ordered. anything tastes good fried or at least the shrimp heads did.
I love Shrimp!! I love most food now that I think about it........
Quote:Originally posted by Miso-Soup
I love most food now that I think about it........
And that's how you come to weight 240 pounds such as myself

joke? or not? damn i rate you
you still got stalkers and stuff and most overweight individuals are ostracised... Good on You Son!
why coz i used to be a fat kid but its been 5 years since i lost alot of weight and now i can nearly bench you (200 pounds)
bt im nornal now, not skinny, coz you need a bit of "meat"
Quote:Originally posted by rav96
joke? or not? damn i rate you
you still got stalkers and stuff and most overweight individuals are ostracised... Good on You Son!
why coz i used to be a fat kid but its been 5 years since i lost alot of weight and now i can nearly bench you (200 pounds)
bt im nornal now, not skinny, coz you need a bit of "meat"
Me? I'm not joking, about a week & a half ago I weighted myself again & my weight was 142-143, but a lot of people can't believe that, because they claim I don't really look it. I have belly, & thighs that are bigger than most turkeys we eat for thanksgiving <.< >.>
but, I'm trying to work on my weight now, that just another reason I've got a job, that way I'm always moving, lifting, doing anything. Hopefully my weight will come down one day :S.