I hear it's supposed to be uber awesome! I haven't looked anything up on it yet though. . . anyone have any good info? How'd you guys like the first one?
The first one was soooo AWESOME!!! The ending left me DROOLING for the sequel. The best ending that is.
I just hope that the Kingdom Hearts 2 will retain the original Japanese voice track, since the english dub really turned me off at times.
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack
I just hope that the Kingdom Hearts 2 will retain the original Japanese voice track, since the english dub really turned me off at times.
I loved it when David what's hisermanamer voice Leo n.
I hate the first game because of the concept, but it has the best game play of most RPGs out their, so I highly await 2.
I loved the first game, it one of my favorite games of all time. I can not wait till the second one comes out. OH NO!! Ill be in college when it comes out so I cant buy, ill have no money. Crap.
I think for some reason the English dub was considered better or to be the "correct" language track, considering Kingdom Hearts Final Mix in Japan to my knowledge used the English dub.....
That's nothing new. Square has also released versions of Final Fantasy X (and a couple other titles) with English dub in Japan, but that doesn't mean that it's the 'appropriate' language. It just means that there are some morons in Japan who are bored enough to actually want to buy another version of the same game just cause they wanna hear the craptastic English dubbing.
Weren't all Disney's characters dubbed in English first? I think the English dub was as good as the Japanese. I beleive Walt would cry with joy to see the way some of his characters he created are being treated. I think the original is awesome and I can't wait for the second one.
Shouldn't this thread be better in the video game section?
Oh! When's KH2 coming out?? Sounds funn... I should probably get started on KH.. ^^;;;;;;;;;; .. er.. Haven't even opened the package yet x_X ... so little time..
I have high expectations now.. don't disapoint me

well i really enjoyed the first one, because of the mix of characters, but in the second one i would like to see, gizmo duck or darkwing duck there