Sorry, folks, I'm running my own forum now. THIS MEANS THAT I'M LEAVING
Thanks to the few who made this place entertaining and/or enlightening.
Umm.... why should you be sorry for running your own forum now?
Does that impinge on our ability to enjoy this one in some way?
Does that mean that you can't come visit any more?
OMG! Holy shit! I don't care!
Kak, you have such a way with words.
What I tried saying with sarcasm and subtleties, you came right out and stated the obvious.
I'll have to try that some time.
YAAAAY!!! What's going on?? Who? Huh? Where am I? Holy crap someone's leaving? Someone's still able to post here??? OH WOW!!!
Too bad your leaving but I can see why you don't have the time to come here anymore. With all those 15 members you have to moderate and all
I'm sure we'll still see you arround.
Darn, now he cant try and tell us that rap is music.
SHHHHHHH!!!!!! Listen . . . . That's the sound of noone giving a damn.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
SHHHHHHH!!!!!! Listen . . . . That's the sound of noone giving a damn.
He's right.
Well, I'd like to say bye, & if I knew you better I'd probably miss you more.
keep those sentiments preaching my brothers

Quote:Originally posted by -spike-
Darn, now he cant try and tell us that rap is music.
I haven't laughed outloud by myself like that in a while. Thet was funny. Man rap is lame.
Quote:Originally posted by DARK OSAMU
I haven't laughed outloud by myself like that in a while. Thet was funny. Man rap is lame.
Hey!!!!! I like rap!!!!

Rap is not Lame, its just the money grabbing sellout mainstream assholes! i Keep it OldSkool nowwadays up to the mid 90's
Oh shit am i gonna get shot now