I read this in the newspaper yesterday.
Besides them serving horrible food you can now rent movies that absolutely suck so you can really get a couch ass.:p Heres a little secret the meat in McDonalds burgers isn't beef.... it's tofu!
consider yourself lucky if their burgers are actually make of tofu, more like horse meat if you ask me
Rats, pig, cow, and bug parts and guts mixed together !
well if you rent these how in the hell do you expect them to bring them back if i rented it for 4$ i would keep it , un less they use your credit/debit card to start this up and if you dont return it you get charged .
how are they going to do the return side of this plan ?
Man...just stick to selling junk food. Rentals? Trying to be another blockbuster/hollywood video?
I do believe you'll be required to sign up with your CC or DC
The really horrible part is that it is going to be one of those kiosks. So it is going to have a very limited amount of DVDs. I'm betting that every one of them is "Legally Blond Two".
Or something disney.
Gay disney stuff too like Lion King 1.5
Yea or stuff that is released strait to DVD... like the Land before Time series what are they on 5....6
The last "Land Before Time" movie that came out was X.
I've had one in my area for a while but i've never used it. isn't a machine out side of the store. i've never see or heard of anyone use it, but its their
They are soooo desperate for cash. I can't beleive they're losing money BIGTIME! Ronald might stay in McDonald land forever now.

Yup, it's true...all McDonald's burgers are 100% pure beef. The rest of the story...if a cow has cancer or a cyst or a fungus, they just cut around it...if it has pneumonia, that's okay! They can use all parts of the beast...yup! eyeballs and all in that burger! The folks on Fear Factor aren't doing anything that the rest of us haven't already done...except that they know about it...
Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
The last "Land Before Time" movie that came out was X.
wow thats a powerhouse franchise i loved the first one when i was a kid