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Full Version: Gfanikf's Amazing Dvd Deal and Trade List
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Hey guys got some great sets for you guys to get today.

1. Gasaraki 3 Disc Perfect set
2. Ghost in the Shell 4 Disc FX rip of AC
3. Blue Gender 3 disc Mac Eng/Japanese
4. 5 Disc Gamera R2 rip set (worth 60 dollars) Eng Subs for the movies none for the extras The R1 Gamera One doesn't have 5.1

I'm currently looking for the first volume of Legend of the Galactic Heroes Part 1.
kinda interested in Gundam W

that is my list.
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
kinda interested in Gundam W

that is my list.
I'm sorry I'll have to pass. I'm actually gonig to have to take GW off as a family member wants it and told me earlier tonight.
Switched off GW and put Rahxephon on.
interested in your Rahxephon
Ok, any chance I can get Blue gender along with the ova?
do you havean extra disc you can throw in?
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
do you havean extra disc you can throw in?

Well I have the R1 Gundam or a gamera disc (they are dvd-rs but work fine and have the original japanese covers)
I've already got Gundam W, I have no use for an extra of only the first DVD, and I'd rather watch Gamera on MST3k or something like that. I'll trade Blue Gender for Rahxephon straight up. If you will throw in some cash, I'll give you the last DVD for that.
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
I've already got Gundam W, I have no use for an extra of only the first DVD, and I'd rather watch Gamera on MST3k or something like that. I'll trade Blue Gender for Rahxephon straight up. If you will throw in some cash, I'll give you the last DVD for that.

How much?
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu

Nah just Blue Gender will be fine. I'll Pm you when I done with it. Which sohuldn't be too soon
okie Dokie
I'm interested in Gasaraki.
Quote:Originally posted by tsunami
I'm interested in Gasaraki.

Sorry nothing on your list that interest me. You could buy soemthing here from the store and ship it to me for the dvd. Includes the Gundam dvd
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