WHAT!!!!!!!! HELL NO!!!!!!!! Thay had better not start the draft, they dont need to. Isnt the war supposed to be over, I guess Bush lied to us once again.
I just turned 18, and I say fuck the draft. I will not fight a war that I strongly believe should be over. We need to get our asses out of Iraq. I will do whatever it takes to not fight in this war.
I just found out from my mom that they cant start the draft if the president did not declare it a war. Bush declared the war over last year. So much for that.
Most of you guys will be going before me, since they start at 18 and work their way up.

Quote:Originally posted by -spike-
WHAT!!!!!!!! HELL NO!!!!!!!! Thay had better not start the draft, they dont need to. Isnt the war supposed to be over, I guess Bush lied to us once again.
I just turned 18, and I say fuck the draft. I will not fight a war that I strongly believe should be over.. I will do whatever it takes to not fight in this war.
Become a muslim like my man Ali or move to another country.
When I first read that I was like "Fu*k No! "
Then I realized I'm only 16, & I calmed down a bit, but still. Bush wants to send more people over, while many people don't want to be there, or don't beleive the US should be there at all, so he re-instates the draft & plans to send us anyways, ouch, that's really the way to get re-elected.
Well I am an only child and will be 23 in about 10 days so I doubt I'll ever be drafted. I do know they DIDN'T used to take the only child, but if they ran out of others they definately would...which will be a long time....hopefully.
If you read the plans for the new draft, being an only child doesn't protect you anymore. Neither does being a female.

As I said...I knew they DIDN'T used to do that.
Plus my cousin whos been in the army for like 8 years has just signed up recently again and already been sent to Kuwait. He's some sort of supply officer and is back under whatever rank he is. Maybe having him there will keep them at bay for a while from my entire family...
the draft isn't needed, the war in iraq is a volunteer war, they have plenty of soldiers. the only reason draft is being pushed is that the democrats want another reason for people to vote against bush. plus by having a draft you send people who don't want to be thier and thier attitude will be negative affect on the whole thing. they want another vietnam war, another quagmire, so that the current president looks bad. it's just another political game, and we the american public will suffer for it. its a sick political game for power. i'll see you guys in canada (not really i'm in college).
im in the UK
but im sure blair prob try and do similar (i wonder why WOOOFF woof)
Quote:Originally posted by israfel
the draft isn't needed, the war in iraq is a volunteer war, they have plenty of soldiers. the only reason draft is being pushed is that the democrats want another reason for people to vote against bush. plus by having a draft you send people who don't want to be thier and thier attitude will be negative affect on the whole thing. they want another vietnam war, another quagmire, so that the current president looks bad. it's just another political game, and we the american public will suffer for it. its a sick political game for power. i'll see you guys in canada (not really i'm in college).
I was talking to my parants about this and and they said the same thing, so im not worried.
Unfortunately being educated does not protect you either. Two years of grad school, what a waste!
I have been hearing about this lately.Umm here is another page I found.
and I have a friend that's Dad is some kind of a writer in another state and he has been hearing about a draft too.Yup my family is moveing soon.I sigh! I hope..Cause I just turned 18..Thanks so much....

well if thats the case did you see platoon'''full metal jacket'' or anyother war movie you know to..
shoot first ask questions later...
i know it sounds bad..but your gonna get drafted thats what theyre gonna teach you...((shoot to kill))
Woah now that site scares me more then the little article I read earlier. Man and bush wants to be re-elected so he can kill off people home and abroad.:mad: I just don't know anymore... Chinese people have it pretty good compared to us if this draft comes about. I feel I may have to re-enact that movie Hair.