05-21-2004, 11:10 PM
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05-21-2004, 11:18 PM
05-22-2004, 12:47 AM
Damit, i lost another one of my sigs! Forget this topic then!
05-22-2004, 12:52 AM
Religion and Politics do not mix.
Religion and Politics do not mix.
05-22-2004, 07:10 AM
I beleive in freedom of religion, but with thr that most people's & the US's morals are based on the ideas of God's teachings or whatnot, so it's not really fair.
Which has lead me to believe that if kids cannot say Hell in school, the word Heaven should not be allowed on school grounds, because both are the kingdoms of a powerful being or whatever you want to call the imaginary men these days.
Which has lead me to believe that if kids cannot say Hell in school, the word Heaven should not be allowed on school grounds, because both are the kingdoms of a powerful being or whatever you want to call the imaginary men these days.
05-22-2004, 10:15 AM
Religion and Politics should never Mix
But they are the most commonest of Bedfellows
But they are the most commonest of Bedfellows

05-22-2004, 04:08 PM
Religion and politics shouldn't be together but how about religion influencing politics? Religion is what always fuels politics and well thats why the pilgrims came to a land where they could be free to express the religion they wanted to express. If you wanna fight about religion not being in politics then well atheists too have the same prob cause atheism is a religion too so they are letting their religion dig into politics too. Gosh I hate religious/polticial views having to be express in the wrong places.......:o
05-22-2004, 11:12 PM
How bout this?....If it were not for religion, we wouldn't have politics.
05-23-2004, 03:01 PM
well, i have mixed emotions about this subject. i am a devout athiest and i feel the US government should not be allowed to force religion on someone, or be able to take their religion away.
with that said, i do not think it is wrong for the government to have a religion itself. the US was created on christian fundamentals, and something like 70% of the country belong to a christian faith. so you cannot expect there to not be religious influence in the government, and there is nothing wrong with that.
as for the pledge, i dont think it should not be changed per se. the pledge still holds the same meaning of allegiance without the words "under god;" however, this country still has christian roots, and anyone who feels uncomfortable with saying "under god" can simply leave that part out. the pledge is about patriotism; zealots, religious or anti religious, should not be trying to make changes to it.
with that said, i do not think it is wrong for the government to have a religion itself. the US was created on christian fundamentals, and something like 70% of the country belong to a christian faith. so you cannot expect there to not be religious influence in the government, and there is nothing wrong with that.
as for the pledge, i dont think it should not be changed per se. the pledge still holds the same meaning of allegiance without the words "under god;" however, this country still has christian roots, and anyone who feels uncomfortable with saying "under god" can simply leave that part out. the pledge is about patriotism; zealots, religious or anti religious, should not be trying to make changes to it.
05-23-2004, 04:44 PM
I actually feel the same way about the plege, I dont feel that they should change it. If people dont like it, they dont have to say it.
05-23-2004, 07:49 PM
no real opinion on the topic... but just wanted to say. The pledge of allegiance origionally didn't have the phrase "under god" in it, it was added recently (by recently I mean last 30-40 years or so)
05-23-2004, 08:03 PM
hmm hmm hmm.... so youre right (50 years actually). thank you, i will have to consider this and decide if it affects my opinion. i owe ya one.
05-24-2004, 11:21 AM
Vile...why can't atheists be more like you have displayed yourself in here. People take stuff too much to the heart. I know God and don't run around saying sinner burn in hell or anything like that son of a bitch preacher that went and protested against gays at the gay teenagers funeral...the one killed by the other 2 kids some years back. I think being gay is wrong BUT I don't go and tell gay people Hey you gonna die boy humpin the wrong thang like yuns do. It's their choice and so be it. This is what God says about everything we throw our opinions at in anger and detest..Let me deal with it, not you. It's wrong WRONG WRONG WRONG for me to go and tell someone they are wrong in making their own decision. Like you Vile being an atheist, it's your choice and your path to walk not mine. I have my own road to run and that's how it is.
05-24-2004, 11:28 AM
Quote:Originally posted by tsunami
If you wanna fight about religion not being in politics then well atheists too have the same prob cause atheism is a religion too so they are letting their religion dig into politics too.
Care to explain what you mean? I consider myself an atheist as in I don't conform myself to "any" organized religion. Am I wrong? How is atheism a religion?
05-24-2004, 02:28 PM
I thought atheism was a non-what do you call it, thingy where it exsists, but the law does not respect it. Non-reconized or something like that. Which as far as I know all "evil" religions/beliefs are like that.
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