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Full Version: winamp how do i save a song can i ??
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i have had winamp for a while now so i wanna know if theres a way to save a song if possible.

can i save songs with winamp and playthem whenever i want to or is that just a dream??

if anyone knows how to could you share the knowledge!!!
I'm not sure how to answer this. If you're playing a song in winamp, it should alrady be on your Hard Drive. If you're talking about shoutcast that's another thing altogether, where you would have to go and download a shoutcast recorder.

As for saving a file, you can go into winamp options, select output and you'll find the nullsoft disk writer. This will output any song as a Wav (you have to select the codec and hit configuration to set it up correctly). But this only works for songs that are already on your HD. Be a little more specific, or give a scenario that you would use this for.
shoutcast is what i use. so i need a shout cast recorder right? i will do a search on one to see if there is one.