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Quote:Originally posted by Vile
premium malt beverages. or bitch beer as we normally call it.

THey call it bitch brew around my area.
Warsteiner Dunkel
Spaten Optimator
Blue Moon
Quote:Originally posted by BadAsh


i drink that which is brewed from deers blood. Jagermeister!!
well its not anymore. MOLSEN XXX, COORS light on tap, Hornsby Hard Cider, Killians Irish Red, favorite shot is Liquid Cocain, i also enjoy a little wild turkey every now and then, and if i really want to get smashed bicardi rum 151
Nothing like a liquid cocaine or liquid heroine to get you shitty fast.

My favorite beer right now is Asahi. It's actually a Japanese beer that I can actually enjoy. It's really dry, so you can't really drink a lot of it, but then again I don't really like the taste of beer.

When it comes to Vodka I like Grey Goose or Rain.

I'm a liquor man myself. You should see my counter right now lol. I swear I'm not an alcoholic.
Quote:Originally posted by Tripp
Asahi. It's really dry, so you can't really drink a lot of it.

you can say that again
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