Can someone give me a list of websites that probably uses the bittorrent program to download anime lincense and unlincense, the only website I know is Oh and it be cool if the website has hentai I wanna check out the new Bible Black that just camed out and Discipline.

Quote:Originally posted by matthewmalay
For older releases that don't have any seeds for Bittorrent I usually use DC++ to get them. [/B]
I've heard of DC++ but I don't know what it i. Is it a program or a website? A direct link to DC++ would be a great help to me.

get a bittorrent client. Azereus is kinda good.
and head on to
It's a p2p program. You have join hubs to download stuff, like if you want to download anime you join anime-related hubs. Most hubs have a minimum you have to share, 10 gigs should get you into decent hubs but to get into the better ones you'll need around 20-30 gigs to share.
When I was using DC++ at the beginning I would get pretty slow speeds because there was too many people uploading from me and it would slow donw everything, even surfing on explorer but now I use Netlimiter to limit my uploads and it got much better.
Use DC++, thats what i use to download all my anime.
When I downloaded DC Installer program it wouldn't install this is what it said
"Error opening file for writing
Hit abort to abort installation,
retry to retry writing the file , or
ignore to skip this file"
Any help???? Did I mess up?
Did you download DC++ or Direct Connect?? Get DC++, not Direct Connect.
Okay it worked. But hubs won't allow me to download anything and will disconnect me because I have no share size. So what do I do can someone tell me which hub I should use if I have no share size.
If you have nothing to share, look for hubs that dont have a min share. It usually says in the decription.
ive got a ton of sites i use but cant be asked to post um coz the last time i did no one appreciated it!
so f*ck doing that effort again
Rav96, I have decided that you are quasi-evil. refusing to tell us who your avatar is, not posting anime dl sites, and more (idk what though).
I downloaded 40 episodes of Inu Yasha from Kazaa++. the first 10 were on dial-up. That may not sound to crazy, but take a second to think of how few people share Inu Yasha on there. I connected like 10 times a day, and it would stop downloading after 5 min.
Quote:Originally posted by ZODDGUTS
Okay it worked. But hubs won't allow me to download anything and will disconnect me because I have no share size. So what do I do can someone tell me which hub I should use if I have no share size.
You can share stuff you got from other programs like bittorrent or Kazaalite. Just dont share incomplete files.
One quick way to increase your share size is to rip any VCDs you might have to mpg and share them.
Quote:Originally posted by rav96
ive got a ton of sites i use but cant be asked to post um coz the last time i did no one appreciated it!
so f*ck doing that effort again
Did you post all those sites to help people or just to get praise.
Quote:Originally posted by gohan32
Rav96, I have decided that you are quasi-evil. refusing to tell us who your avatar is, not posting anime dl sites, and more (idk what though).
Thank You! and about 80% of you lot out there are not appreciative i dont see anyone else doing a huge d/l thread like i did!
Plus i dont go around pestering other people of what there avatars are (prob coz i know bout 90% of them)
anyway what will you lot score